Page 85 of Legion of Kings

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“King, put your fucking gun down, Jesus,” Ju huffed, rubbing her face. “And I swear to god if you pull a gun on him, Marsh, I will kill you,” she tossed a pointed look at her father and he begrudgingly moved his hand from his holster. I clicked the safety back into place and tossed my pistol on the bed.

I was still pissed I didn’t get to come. It had been three fucking weeks. Shit.

I pulled my sweats on and folded my arms across my chest. Waiting.

“Juju, I’m sorry. Marsh just came in here demanding to see you. He said you’ve been dodging him and…” Jay stammered, tugging on her chestnut spiral curls.

“You’ve been avoiding me for months off and on. I’m tired of it, Jupiter.” Marsh finally spoke up. His voice was tight and controlled. He looked at me from head to toe like I was a threat. He was right.

I already didn’t fuck with him because he was twelve but knowing how he treated Ju. Knowing that he still treated her like some secret side baby, pissed me off. I didn’t care who he was, he didn’t scare me and I wasn’t about to tolerate him walking up in my woman’s room while I was deep inside of her.

“So you walk up in here like you own the motherfucking spot?” I snapped back.

“And who the fuck are you?” He griped through clenched teeth.

“You know who the fuck I am, Captain Marsh. You just didn’t know I was fucking your daughter.”

“King!” Ju hissed with wide eyes. “Look, everybody just shut the fuck up.” She looked around the room at all of us, frustration evident in her pretty eyes. I had to calm down or else I’d add to her stress and I wasn’t trying to do that. I did want to put a fucking bullet in her father for being a piece of trash though.

“Marsh, get out of my room, I’ll come talk to you in a minute.”

“I’m not leaving. Especially not when you’re in here alone with…him.” Marsh said, glaring at me.

“Fuck you,” I blurted. “You act like I’m here to hurt her. You’ve done that enough for the both of us, Captain.”

“Hurt her? She’s my…” His words faltered like she was still a secret.

“Your daughter,” Jupiter said, her eyes were whiskey flames. She was about to attack and I felt it coming. It spoke to something in me like we were really a wolf pack and as the alpha male, I knew when the queen was about to go in for the kill.

“I’m your fucking daughter and you still can’t say it out loud. I should have let him shoot you when you walked in here. Shit,Ishould shoot you,” she said.

“Jupiter, do you know who this is?” Marsh asked like I wasn’t in the room.

“Yes! I know who he is! Do you think I’d have his dick in me if I didn’t know who he was? You think I just fuck random men?”

“No,” he stammered. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew him…intimately? Is this why you’ve been avoiding me?”

“Yes! This is why!” She said, her voice exploding. “Get the fuck out, Marsh. Out!” She yelled, shoving him hard. He took a few steps back as she shoved and hit him. He was still reluctant to leave her alone with me though.

Like I was the big bad wolf.

I mean…I did eat her like I was though.

I held back my smirk and grabbed Marsh by the collar since he didn’t want to leave. He sputtered when I shoved him into the hallway and slammed the door in his face, locking it.

“Jesus Christ,” Ju said, rubbing her forehead. “He didn’t even call, just came straight over here, barging in all arrogant like he owns…” She looked at me and made a pained sound like a realization just smacked into her. “I have daddy issues. Great.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, a frown on my face.

“You don’t see the correlation?” She asked, looking between me and the door.

“Correlation between what? Not me and Marsh. Fuck that.”

“Inglewood PD is just a big gang, King, and look who the fuck is in charge. Okay, I don’t have time to dig through my issues right now. I need to get him out of here before y'all come to blows and if anyone is going to fight Marsh, it’ll be me.” She pulled on a pair of jeans and tied her long hair up on top of her head before charging into the living room.

“I’m gonna go…grab…something from the store,” Jay said uneasily as she slipped out of the front door. She left us all alone, staring at each other awkwardly.

“What do you want, Marsh?” Ju finally said, sitting on the couch.
