Page 10 of Frosty Proximity

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Peter glances over at me.

“My flight’s been canceled. Hang on, let me look to see what’s going on.”

“Should I stop?”

I can see the airport. “No, keep going. I’ll rebook my ticket, so we might as well just get me to the airport.”

I pull up the airline’s website. There, in a bold red banner across the top, it says:

“The following airports have been closed due to inclement weather:”

There’s a whole list of airports, including mine.

“Inclement weather? What inclement weather?” I say to no one. The sky is...well, it’s gray, but that’s not surprising. The temperature is even milder than normal. I navigate to my weather app and select my location as Basel.

Things get ugly.

“Um, Peter?”

He glances over at me.

“The storm’s moving faster than they predicted. It’s going to hit tonight.”



As soon as I can,I pull over and stop the car.

“Have you tried looking for a different airline? Or a flight out of—"

Kara cuts me off with a raised hand, brow furrowing as she stares down at her phone and resumes typing with both thumbs.

This must be one of those situations where it’s just better if I keep my mouth shut. Kara’s a grown woman, running her own business, which involves travel a lot. Surely, she knows how to figure this out.

But has she ever been to Switzerland before? She may not realize how small the country is or what other airports there are.

As happens so often, I don’t have enough information to be useful, so I say nothing.

“Okay,” Kara interrupts my train of thought and looks up. “Can you take me to the train station? I can use that to get to Zurich, and there’s a flight to New York in three hours.”

I check the time. The Zurich airport is twenty minutes past my parents’ house in Baden. Depending on traffic, I should be able to get Kara to the airport and still be at their place by sunset to light the menorah.

“I’ll drive you,” I say, putting the car back in gear and checking the traffic for an opening to pull out onto the street.

“The train is fine, Peter. It might even be faster.”

I shake my head and depress the accelerator, speeding up to get behind a small silver Škoda. “You’ll have to wait at the train station here and wait again at the transfer.”

“But it’s so far out of your way.”

“No. I am going to Baden.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kara consult her phone again. “Oh,” she mutters. “That’s close to Zurich.”


“Are you sure?”
