Page 5 of Frosty Proximity

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Wenus. Wenus.

My mother’s wenus.

There. Erection problem solved.

Just in time, because Kara swipes her thumbs over my eyebrows, which get unruly, and declares her work done.

I open my eyes as she steps back.

Kara picks up the tub and screws the lid on, moving over to the corner where she stashed her bags.

Clara stands behind Nash, studying me, her head tilted. “Your hair looks great.”


When Clara and I first met six months ago at a company event, she peppered me with questions about living in Zurich and the travel I’ve done until Nash swooped in. “Honey, when Peter gets to one-word answers, his battery is getting low. You’ve probably used up half his battery yourself. Leave some juice in there for the rest of us.” They avoided me for the rest of the evening, which meant I could lurk in the background until I was ready to talk again.

“Nash,” Clara says, directing my attention to my colleague. “Are you ready to go?”

Bea straightens the papers in front of them and closes the black leather folder and answers for all of us. “All ready.”

“Kara,” Clara calls toward the bathroom, where our stylist disappeared. “Do you need us to do anything out here to clean up?”

Kara emerges with a plastic case that looks like a toolbox.

“Nope. I’ll take care of all this. Enjoy your evening and raise lots of money for. . .the kids? Right?”

Bea stands. “Yup, the kids this time.”

Right. Kids. Kara doesn’t like kids.

I love kids. Someday, I want kids of my own. I’m thirty-two, and so far, I can’t find a woman who wants to settle down and have babies with me, but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on it.

Even though my sister’s kids are growing up so fast. Sylvie is fifteen, and Noah is ten. Any dream of them growing up with my kids is now impossible.

But still.

“I’ve got your business cards in my clutch,” Clara tells Kara.

“Thanks, but I doubt there are going to be that many potential clients there. I don’t travel across the pond for just anyone.” Kara grins at us and winks. “You’re the exception. But if a New Yorker compliments you, please pass it along.”

“Deal,” Clara says.

I open the door for Clara and Bea to pass. Nash stops before leaving the room. “You don’t have too much to do, right? You should go have some fun tonight.”

Kara reaches behind me to grab the door, and I step out of her way. “I have to get ready for Peter’s appointment tomorrow. But I’ll have dinner out.”

“Good. We won’t see you tomorrow before we leave for Chamonix. Merry Christmas, Kara.”

I mumble Merry Christmas while Bea and Clara sing the words.

In the elevator, Bea folds her hands in front of her and catches my eye. “You know, Kara is quiet when she’s working with you.”

“Oh, that’s true,” Clara interjects. “She always talks my ear off when she styles me. Lots of ‘girl chat.’” Clara wiggles her shoulders when she says it.

“Kara talked to me.” Didn’t she?

Bea tilts her head. “She talked to your hair. Or your eyebrows. It’s cute. But it’s not the same as when she styles Nash or Clara.”
