Page 7 of Frosty Proximity

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Of course, that’s an understatement. My niece feels misunderstood, angry, bullied...

I just hope that this year will be better than the last.

“Have you seen the weather reports?” Mami changes the subject to what’s being called “the storm of the century.”

“Yes, it looks like it’ll be nasty. I’m glad it will be further north. And I’ll be at your place tomorrow, long before the snow hits.”

“Good, good. Well, get back to your party, go bid outrageously on something because it’s for a good cause and you’re far richer than you need to be.” Mami chuckles.

My mom, who won’t let me buy her a new house, likes to tease me about how much money I make.

We say goodbye and hang up, and I head back to the party. I know it’s good work and an important cause, but I’d rather be with my family.



At nine a.m.,I knock on Peter’s door. He also has a suite in the hotel, albeit one that looks down on the city instead of on the river.

Last night, I tidied up Clara and Nash’s room before getting a recommendation from the concierge for dinner. I had a lovely meal on a heated sidewalk overlooking the Rhine. I’ve been keeping an eye on the weather and this nasty storm that’s rolling through north of us, but it looks like it’ll be coming in far enough away and late enough that it won’t interfere with my flight.

Today, I’m focused on Peter’s wardrobe fitting. As a stylist, I offer a lot of services to my clients, and this is one I don’t get to do very often. Digital wardrobe edits got popular during Covid, where I would have a three-hour video chat with someone and help them clean their closet out and organize outfits. We talk about the articles of clothing, and I get a feel for how my client likes to dress. What pieces fit them well, what they like about them, how they put outfits together.

I did this almost a year ago with Peter. Today, our goal is to provide him with some new outfits to supplement the work we did previously.

Peter opens the door dressed casually in tan pants and a polo.

“Good morning,” he says.

Peter is a man of few words. I learned quickly that he’s not interested in chit-chat or frivolous conversation, so I rein myself in around him.

“Good morning,” I return, stepping into his room while he holds the door open for me.

In the corner of the sitting room is one of the hotel’s luggage carts filled with hanging bags. Some of the clothing I ordered in advance, but some I purchased from shops the day before yesterday. Basel has some fine clothing stores, especially on Freie Strasse.

“Ready to get started?” I approach the rack and begin unzipping bags, looking for the first outfit I want him to try on. When I’d asked Peter via email how the clothes I’d picked out for him last time were working out, he’d sent me an itemized list. It required a bit of translating.

Red sweater - too tight

Translation: the Burgundy cable-knit, merino-wool-cashmere sweater didn’t fit well enough for his tastes.

Blue pants, the ones with the two buttons - wear often

Translation: the navy, fitted stretch chinos that he’d been skeptical on had passed whatever test he’d put them through.

And so on.

I was surprised that so many of the clothes he “wore frequently” were some of the more unconventional items I’d suggested: brighter colors, patterns, unusual fabrics.

I’ve leaned into that with this visit, so I hope it’s the right way to go.

We go from casual to formal, starting with some warm, cozy pieces that make me want to sink my fingers into them while Peter wears them.

I don’t, obviously. That would be weird.

Then we move through business casual, and I get to ask fun questions like “How does it feel in the crotch?” and “Is the inseam okay?” which is just a professional way of asking how his junk feels.

Next is the business formal. Peter had commented that some of the jackets were getting a little tight around the shoulders, so I’ve got a collection of new suits to try. When he comes out with a tailored pale gray suit on, I check the seams on the shoulders and press gently to feel where they fall on his body.
