Page 33 of Too Good to Be True

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“Can I assume you’ve investigated me…us?”

“You’re a size eighteen and you have very good taste in underwear and very poor taste in men.”

I gasped.

“The dress last night was inspired, by the way,” he continued. “I knew I liked you then. You’re only confirming my good instincts now.”

I shifted subjects.

“So Daniel stole Portia from you.”

“No, Daniel thinks he did. Your sister is pretty, not beautiful, like you, but she’s too highly strung, not grounded, again…like you. Both reasons why I didn’t fuck her.”

“Can you please refrain from talking about fucking my sister?” I requested.

“If you wish.”

“I do.”

“Fine,” he allowed. “I let Daniel think she was stolen. Everyone needs some wins once in a while. Even if they aren’t come by honestly.”

I had nothing to say to that.

He had things to say.

“Your mother was…still is, beautiful, like you. Why do you think your father left her for Portia’s mother?”

“Because Andrea was a whore with a particular skillset, and no matter Dad turned his father’s hardware store into a retail giant that gobbled up the world online and in brick and mortar, he still solely thought with his dick.”

When I was done speaking, Ian angled back his head and laughed.

The sound was deep and lush and thrilling, and I hated it almost as much as I absolutely adored it.

I scowled at him.

He finished laughing and whispered in a way that was both silken and sinister, “Yes, I very much like you.”

“Are we doing this tour, or what?”

He uncrossed his arms to raise them to his sides. “Meet the Conservatory.”

“It’s oppressive,” I told him.

“It would be. One of the four people who hung themselves in this house did it from a plant hook right over there.”

He pointed.

I looked over my shoulder.

When I looked back, he’d gotten so much closer, and he’d done it in such utter silence and with such quickness, I jumped.

“You don’t have to fear me,” he murmured, gazing down at me with a languid look in his astonishing blue eyes that I felt everywhere.

“Yes, I do.”

“And she’s smart too,” he continued murmuring.

“We’re going to make a deal right now. We’re going to give them a chance, you and me.”
