Page 143 of Carnage

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I won’t leave her here all night fucked up by herself. I’ll stay with her to make sure she’s okay. Then tomorrow, I’ll make her regret ever knowing me.

* * *

I stand on the balcony,watching the sun rise over the tall trees while sipping on my coffee, when I hear her moan and start to move around in bed. Turning, I step through the open doors and into her bedroom. She rolls over, lifting herself onto her hands. Her hair falls to cover her face, and she groans, “Fuuucckk.”

“Rough night?” I ask, taking another sip of my coffee.

She sits up and turns to face me, glaring. She’s still pissed. Good, I’m ready for a fight. It’s time to get some shit figured out, and I wanted to wait until she was coherent.

“Do you have any idea what I could do to you?” I ask.

She snorts, her heavy eyes closing and then opening. The harsh sunlight hurts her sensitive eyes. “Just do it already and get it over with.”

“Over with?” I laugh. “Sweetheart, it’s a lifetime punishment, not a spanking.”

She throws off the covers and stumbles out of bed. My eyes fall to her naked body. Fuck, I’m so hard for her right now. Have been since I brought her back to me.

Her pretty blue eyes meet mine, and she holds her arms out wide. “Why the fuck am I even here, Saint?” I don’t answer. I don’t have to. The simple answer is because this is where I want her. She’s mine. She snorts at my silence. “Move on…I did.” With that, she goes to walk toward the bathroom.

I drop my coffee cup and grab her hair. Spinning her around, I shove her into the wall by the bathroom door and wrap my hand around her fragile neck. Her nostrils flare, and eyes narrow up at me, but she doesn’t fight me when I place my face in hers. “We took vows…”

“Like that ever mattered,” she snaps. “You married a dead woman, Saint. No one knew I existed.” Her voice rises.

“I did,” I shout in her face. “You’re my wife—”

She gives a rough laugh that makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. She truly doesn’t give a fuck. “A Lord doesn’t marry for love, Saint.”

I release her neck and step back from her, needing a second to collect my thoughts. I thought there was a reason why she shot me and ran. Could it have just been that she wanted me dead and she knew that a divorce wouldn’t happen? “You truly believe that bullshit? That I don’t love you?”

Her bottom lip trembles, and her breathing picks up. “You proved that…” She pushes off the wall. “I asked you to save me, and you refused.”

I frown. “Save you…” I trail off, remembering that day like it was just moments ago. They say that people tend to block out the bad things that happen to them, but I’ll never forget the day she left me. “You asked me to kill you,” I say through gritted teeth. “That’s not proving love.”

“And you couldn’t do it.” She pushes off the wall and shoves me, but I don’t move. “Huh? Which one of us was the coward?” Her small hands hit my chest once again. “You son of a bitch. I never asked you for anything. I just wanted you to do one thing, and you couldn’t fucking do it.”

“I wasn’t going to kill you!” I scream, my heart racing with how fucking worked up she’s gotten me.

She takes in a deep breath, trying to control herself, and her pretty blue eyes fill with unshed tears. “I would have done anything for you, Saint. Anything.” The first tear falls from her bottom lashes to land on her cheek. “I was trying to save you, but you wouldn’t do the same for me. If you would have just let me go…” Her voice breaks, and she swallows.

I reach out to cup her face, and she goes to pull away, but I grab her face in both of my hands to force her to look up at me. “What do you mean, save me?”

Her watery eyes search mine before she whispers, “It doesn’t matter, Saint. It’s over. You won.”


She pulls herself free from me and turns, walking into the bathroom door. She slams it shut, and I hear it lock. I go to ram my shoulder into it when her bedroom door opens behind me. “Saint?”

“What?” I snap, turning to see it’s Kashton.

“We’ve got a delivery.”

Letting out a breath, I decide to let her cool off while I go and rip some brand off a Lord's chest. Poor unlucky bastard will have to endure my bad mood.



Aknock comes at my door, and I sit up before the door opens. Jessie enters. “Your presence is wanted in the office.”
