Page 37 of Carnage

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“How drunk are you?” he asks flatly.

I frown, wondering if he’s mad at me, and that’s why he’s ignored me. What happened to our three weeks of training? I’ve been looking forward to being tied up and forced to come all over myself. “Not drunk enough.” I toss the bottle on the floor, and it rolls along my white carpet until he places his boot out to stop it. I mean, really what else is there to do?

His eyes drop to the empty bottle and then rise to meet mine. “Looks like you’ve had more than enough to me.”

I get up off the bed, and he looks over my bare legs. All I have on is an oversized T-shirt. It’s his. I’ve had it for several years. He left it at my parents’ one night after he and his friends came over when my brother had a swimming party. I’ve never worn it around him until now.

Reaching down, I grab the hem and pull it up and over my head, tossing it to the side. He arches a brow at me. I’ve become quite comfortable with being naked around him in the past week and a half. When the man you’re in love with strips you naked, ties you down, and gets you off with a vibrator between your legs while he stays fully dressed, you no longer have the urge to cover up your body. And then add the times he’s stripped you in front of his friends…He was right; modesty no longer matters.

“Ashtyn.” The way he growls my name was meant as a warning, but all it does is make me shiver with anticipation.

I’ve never seen this guy naked, and all I want is for him to use me. “What?” I place my hands out wide. “You’re here for a reason, right? To play with me.”

He shakes his head and crosses his arms over his chest. I have a feeling it’s to fight the urge to touch me. At least that’s what I tell myself. I want to be irresistible. I want him to lose control. He’s so close.

“Not tonight,” he finally speaks, his eyes still on my chest.

I lick my lips before pushing my bottom one out. He thinks I’m drunk, but I’m not even close. “Why not?” Before he can even answer, I pretend to trip and fall into him. His arms wrap around my hips, and I throw mine around his neck. Lifting on my tiptoes, I push my lips to his and kiss him.

His arms release me to remove mine from his neck, and he pushes me back. I open my heavy eyes and look up at him. He’s frowning at me as if disappointed. “What are you doing, Ashtyn?” He growls.

“Just fuck me,” I say.


My hands drop to his belt, and I undo it. Then I fumble with the button on his jeans and zipper.

“Ash! Stop,” he barks out, stepping back.

I start to get angry. “What the fuck, Saint? Just fuck me already.”

“I can’t do that, and you know it.”

I roll my eyes. “We both know that I’m not going to bleed when you fuck me. So just do it now.”

“I can’t,” he says through gritted teeth. “And I told you I’d take care of it.”

“You can’t make me a virgin, Saint!” I slap the side of his face. We both know I am, but if I don’t bleed, everyone will think I’m not. It’s a lose-lose situation at this point.

He wraps his hand around my throat, slams my back into my closed door, and steps into me. I take in a shaky breath as his pretty bright-green eyes glare down at me, but I’m not afraid of him. This is the reaction I want out of him.

“I’m going to fuck you, sweetheart. I’m going to strip you naked, tie you down, and fuck you in front of everyone in that room. I’m going to humiliate you while you cry for me. But don’t doubt me, Ash. I will make you bleed. Even if I have to hurt you to do so, it will happen. You will belong to me.”

My thighs clench as my pulse races under his tight grip. Hurt me? Why does that sound exciting? I’m still sore from whatever he did to me in my kitchen last time I saw him. It makes me wonder how far he’ll go to ensure he gets to keep me. Whatever it is, I’m willing to take it. I can’t imagine a life without him.

“I’ve waited too long to get to where we are, and I’ve done too much for the Lords for them to throw me out now,” he grinds out through gritted teeth.

“They won’t find out,” I add. My voice barely a whisper because of his hand tightly gripping my throat.

“I’ll know, and that’s enough,” he growls.

Tears sting my eyes, and I push my hips into his. He’s hard. I wish I had the strength he does. Because I would do anything for him to push me to my knees right now.

“But make no mistake, sweetheart. Once you’re mine, I’m going to make sure the world knows it. Lord or not, men will know that I own you.” He lowers his forehead to mine. “Now be a good girl, crawl into bed, and get some sleep. You’re going to need your rest, Ash. Because once the vow ceremony is complete, you won’t be getting any.” With that, he pulls me from the door and exits my room, slamming it behind him.


