Page 108 of Long Live the King

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“It’s so romantic. It’s an unguarded moment for him. He’s usually so cold and aloof and doesn’t reveal his feelings for her, but in one movement he reveals so much.”

“I’ll see when we get to that part.”

We watch the movie quietly for a few minutes before she speaks again. “Were you thinking about her today? Your mom?”

I pause before answering. Maybe it’s the frustration of today or the fact that I’m more comfortable in this moment than I have been in a long time, but I want to tell her. “I’m looking for her.”

She looks at me. “What do you mean?”

“I hired a private investigator to find her.”

“Wow, that’s… that’s a big deal. Has he found anything yet?”

“No.” I say curtly. “He can’t find any trace of her since the week she left. And it doesn’t help that I can’t answer a single question he has. I don’t know anything about her.”

She wraps her hand around my neck and her fingers play with the hairs on my nape. It’s something I’ve noticed she does when she tries to soothe me. It works.

“That’s really hard, I’m sorry. Don’t blame yourself for not knowing every intimate detail about her. I mean, how could you? I doubt your dad is answering any questions you have about her.”

Bullseye read from Bellamy on that one. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Have you tried genealogy websites? I’m a bit of a true crime buff and recently I’ve watched a couple episodes where the cases have been solved by using familial DNA matches through websites like 23andme to find people who share the same DNA as the killer. Using a similar approach, you could see if you have any maternal relatives and trace her from there.”

Fuck, I hadn’t thought of that. “The PI took a DNA sample from me last week. I’m guessing that’s what he needed it for.”

She beams at me. “There you go! I’m sure he’ll find something.”

Leaning in, I give her a kiss. She deepens it.

“Well isn’t this cozy?”

We both turn to find Thayer leaning against the kitchen island with a smirk on her face. Bellamy blushes as she sits up. “I’m going to take a quick shower, I’ll be right back and we can continue the movie.”

I throw Thayer a dirty look as Bellamy heads to the bathroom. She returns the look, crossing her arms as she stares me down.


“I don’t trust you.”

“You’re the one who let me in.”

“You threatened to kick down the door if I didn’t let you see Bellamy. That’s not much of a choice.”


“What are you doing?” She asks as I walk around her and fill a cup of water.

“Getting a glass of water.” I reply, setting it on the counter.

“No, I mean what are you doing here. She’s told me this is just a fuck buddy thing for you, so why are you here? Don’t you think this is giving her mixed signals?”

“Bellamy knows what we’re doing. I don’t see how this concerns you.”

“It concerns me because she’s my best friend and I don’t think you fully appreciate how lucky you are to have caught her attention. You’ll excuse me for questioning whether you deserve it or not. You won the lottery with her. She’s the most patient, kind, and loyal person I’ve ever met and absolutely incapable of protecting herself from assholes like you, which is where I come in.”

“I’m all ears.”

“I know I should be afraid of you since you could absolutely ruin my life if you felt like it, but that should tell you how serious I am when I say that if you hurt a hair on that gorgeous head of hers, I’ll make you regret it.”
