Page 45 of Long Live the King

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The monster in me wasn’t satisfied and I’d followed her out, thirsting for another face-off. I’d found her in the stairwell with Jeremy. His hand was wrapped around her upper arm where I’d held her not five minutes earlier.

My left eyelid twitched as I watched them.

She’d had the good sense to run away from me, because god knows what I'd have done if I’d gotten my hands on herjust then.

She hadn’t come back to Math and I’d felt a sick thrill knowing I’d sent the teacher’s pet running from class.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Jeremy had run after her.

Ignoring the blood pounding in my ears at the thought, I’d checked my phone and seen a text from Müller.

Müller:No news. Will update if I find something.

Fresh annoyance coursed through me at the message. This motherfucker really had a death wish.

Me:You have three weeks.


Back at home, my blood was still running hot. A sparring session with Rhys had done nothing to calm me down. If fighting wasn’t providing the release I needed, fucking would.

“Party tonight. Get the word out.” I’d said, wiping the sweat from the back of my neck with a hand towel.

“Fuck yes, mate, it’s been a minute.” Rhys replied, pumping a fist in the air.

Hours later, the house is filled with RCA students and I’m sitting in the dark upstairs, shirtless and smoking a joint. I rarely make an appearance at one of my parties, but I enjoy the sounds of the crowd, the chaos of the party, the desperation of people texting asking if they can come.

She didn’t ask if she could come. Just showed up at my home like she wasn’t in enemy territory. I’d seen her briefly from the second floor when I’d come out to get a bottle of bourbon.

She’d looked like my every fucking fantasy. Her legs on display in a short dress that accentuated the flare of her hips and the curve of her ass. She had on light makeup, mascara and gloss, and her arm was intertwined with Sixtine’s as they marched through the house.

The sight of her hand on Sixtine’s arm reminded me how Jeremy had held hers and I’d walked away, furious. Before I could second guess my next step, I’d texted Lyra. She always made herself available for a quick fuck.

Me:Third door on your right upstairs.

I didn’t say anything else. She knew the only times I texted were when I needed her on her back or on her knees. I waited for her in one of the upstairs living rooms. I never allowed her in my room, a subtle reminder that, like the others, I didn’t give a shit about her.

She’d walked in with a huge grin on her face and I’d immediately regretted it. She wasn’t what I wanted.

Who I wanted.

But I wouldn’t have the one my dick wanted, not when her presence at RCA revolted me. Sexual attraction or not, she needed to go back to whatever piece of shit town she'd come from.

So I’d let Lyra sit on my lap and wrap her reedy arms around me as she whined in my ear and stroked my chest.

I couldn’t bring myself to touch her back.

This was a fucking waste of time. The only thing I wanted to do was sit alone in the dark and ruminate about what I could do to Bellamy next.

I was about to push Lyra off my lap when the woman herself burst through the door.

Her eyes widened, her mouth dropping into a small ‘o’ as she’d stood frozen staring at me. Her gaze slid across to Lyra. I thought I saw anger flash in her eyes, but it was gone just as quickly.

Fury had licked through my veins at her interruption. Everywhere I turned, there she was. She’d been at RCA less than two weeks and yet it felt like I’d suffered through a lifetime of her presence.

Seeing her walking down the hall, head thrown back in laughter as Nera told her a joke. Or bent over a book, a small frown on her face giving way to raised eyebrows as she read something interesting.

I wasn’t actively looking, she was just… there.
