Page 100 of Pay for Your Lies

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I push through the crowd to the edge of the pool and scour the top of the water for him, not breathing the long seconds that he’s underwater as I wait for him to emerge.

He’s insane for doing that from such a high distance into what I’m sure is a pretty shallow pool. What if he broke his neck?

My heart is in my throat at the thought.

Finally, after what feels like hours but I’m sure is actually more like fifteen seconds, he emerges to massive cheers from the crowd and shakes his head to remove the excess water.

He’s got an easy grin on his face as he runs his hand through his hair and pushes it off his forehead, before swimming up to the edge of the pool.

He places both hands on the ledge and uses the leverage to lift his body out of the pool, his powerful form slicing through the water with barely any effort at all as he propels himself out.

There’s a girl waiting for him as he stands. She flings a warm towel around his shoulders and wraps her arms around his middle, snuggling close to him.

He gives her a surprised look before his mouth stretches into a slow grin.

There’s a painful knot forming in my throat as I watch him with her.

I’m an idiot. He told me he was done waiting, that he was going to hook up with the other people.

I’d thought he wasn’t texting me back because he was angry, but maybe he was just fucking this random girl.

Almost as if he can feel me watching him, his gaze snaps up to meet mine. Even separated by a pool and about a hundred people, he finds me in the crowd.

His eyes bore into mine and the world around us fades away, leaving only him and me standing outside.

His gaze narrows with an indecipherable emotion as he stares at me.

The moment is broken when a hand reaches up to cup his face. It’s the girl who’s still hugging him and she’s trying to get his attention back on her.

I turn my head away from him, refusing to watch them for a second longer. He didn’t promise me anything so I shouldn’t be angry, let alone disappointed, but those feelings pull at me.

I go through the crowd of people, unsure of what to do with myself or where to go. I wasn’t expecting to go home so soon and I don’t have a ride.

I head for the guest house, hoping I’ll be able to hide away from the crowd there until I can get Six to pick me up. I text her and beg her to come get me, letting her know where I am and promising her mountains of chocolate, her kryptonite, if she comes.

The door is unlocked, so I walk into the foyer and find a beautiful library to my left.

It’s not as large as the one in the main house, but it’s got rows of antique shelving and historical books along the walls, a pool table in the middle of the room, and plush, velvet couches laid out to create a comfortable reading area.

I walk further into the room and run my finger along the spines of a row of books, marveling at all the first edition classics they have.

I know Six would love this place.

I feel him enter before he even says a word.

It’s in the way the energy changes in the room, becoming charged and electric now that he’s here. It’s in the way my body involuntarily reacts to his closeness.

“What do you want?” I ask without turning around, my tone short.

He chuckles, the sound low and seductive as I feel him approach, but he doesn’t say anything.

“Shouldn’t you be out there fucking that girl?” I ask, turning around when he remains silent still.

He’s standing a few feet away from me, his wet hair dripping onto a long sleeved flannel shirt and jeans he must have just put on, looking handsome as sin.

“I find it funny that you’d demand that I not let my boyfriend touch me, get angry with me and then ignore me when I say I need to bring him home safely, and yet you let a nobody rub her body all over you.” I snap at him.

“Does it hurt? Seeing me with her?” He asks, walking up to me with slow, predatory steps.
