Page 111 of Pay for Your Lies

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I can’t believe he did that, but I can’t believe how much I liked it even more.

“Thanks for lunch.” He says, cheekily, his hand still possessively on my hip.

“Anytime.” I reply, breathlessly.

He grumbles low in his throat. “I’ll hold you to that.” He says, before adding, “Stay here.”

He opens the door and walks out, closing it behind him. A couple of minutes later, he’s back in the room and finds me exactly where he left me, still processing everything that just happened.

He’s carrying a pair of leggings he must have gotten from my locker.

“Put these on. You’re not walking around here in a microscopic skirt with ripped tights and no underwear.”

“You say that like I’m the one who ripped them.”

He drops down to one knee in front of me and grabs one of my feet, placing it on said knee and starting to undo my laces.

He removes my shoe and sets my foot on the ground, grabbing the other and repeating the same motion silently. When both of my shoes are off, he grabs my tights where they’re haphazardly rolled right above my knee and starts pulling them off.

He hums low in his throat, one of my favorite sounds he makes, as his silky voice speaks seductively.

“I’m practically feral for you, love. I’m going to be ripping a lot more of your clothing in the future.”

He rolls up one leg of my legging and motions for me to put one foot through. He does the same with the other and starts moving them up my calves.

My hand moves in his hair, caressing his head gently as I watch him dress me, completely enthralled. He makes sure to tug the fabric up my legs so they don’t bunch below my knees.

How is the act of dressing me like this so powerful in seducing me? Is it the danger of doing this on school grounds? Is it the way he treated me filthily when we were hooking up and now shows tenderness in caring for me?

Whatever it is, it’s working.

He presses a hot kiss on my pussy before he brings the leggings up, over my ass, and around my waist. Reaching down, he picks up my shirt and helps me put it on, his fingers deftly closing the buttons as he growls.


My heart lurches into my throat but I work to calm that reaction. His claiming words are just a post-orgasm rush of affection and don’t mean anything to him.

He’s been very clear about that.

“Do you want to go out first?” He asks, and my stomach drops. His words confirm that whatever this is, it’s not something he wants to flaunt around school.

“Sure,” I say, turning towards the door when he stops me with a hand on my arm.

“You’re definitely forgetting something.”

I smile at him and turn, wrapping my arms around his neck as I get on tiptoes to reach him.

“You’re very needy.” I say, teasing him.

He burrows his face in my neck and inhales before leaving a warm kiss on my throat. He pulls back and looks at me through heavy-lidded eyes, a pleased smile curling the side of his mouth.

“I’ve needed you for months now.”

I kiss him, sucking his lower lip into my mouth as he grunts against my lips. We’re comfortable with each other in a way that's surprising for two people who are just discovering the other's bodies. There’s a familiarity there that ties us together, like we've been involved sexually for months now.

I drop, flattening my feet on the ground as he lets out a heavy breath.

“See you later?” I ask.
