Page 122 of Pay for Your Lies

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“You’re a bitch.”

And there it is.

“Typical of a man to call me a bitch just because I said I wasn’t interested.”

“I wouldn’t be too cocky if I was you.” He sneers, his voice angry now. I’ve seen this same one eighty happen before with my mom’s boyfriends — the way they go from normal, nice even, and quickly devolve to completely furious in the bat of an eye when they don’t get their way. It’s terrifying. “If you fuck him, you’ll come crawling to me or someone else eventually.”

“Is that right?” I ask, my tone mocking.

“He’ll use you and throw you away. Fuck you a couple of times, maybe once more with Phoenix for fun, and then he’ll move on to the next girl like he always does.”

“And I’m supposed to believe that what? Threesomes are beneath you, is that it?” I ask him, pretending to be unmoved and ignoring the pinching in my stomach.

It’s not the first time Rhys and Phoenix fucking one girl at the same time has been mentioned to me and I assume it won’t be the last, so I’ll be damned if I let him get a reaction out of me.

“Rhys isn’t going to…” He starts to respond, but the words die in his throat as his eyes flick over my shoulder.

A warm presence walks up behind me and stops at my back, not quite touching me but close enough to communicate protection.

“Please don’t stop on my account,” the low voice says from behind me, menace clear as day in his tone. “I’d love to hear the rest. Rhys isn’t going to do what?”

I turn to look at Phoenix as he steps beside me.

He’s dressed in all black, slacks and a sweater with a similarly dark shirt peeking out underneath. He looks older than he is, especially as he hits Devlin with a leveling stare cold enough to freeze an open flame.

I breathe an inward sigh of relief at having him by my side. He’s a much friendlier face and I know I can trust him.

“Nothing important.” He says, clearly recognizing this isn’t a battle he can win. Or one he even wants to participate in.

“Are you lost, Devlin?”

“I was just saying hi to her,” he lies, his fake smile pasted back on just that quickly, “That’s all.”

“Find someone else to talk to.” Phoenix tells him, his even tone still managing to be communicative of the threat in his words.

Devlin puts his hands up in a gesture of mock surrender before he inclines his head at me.

“Think about what I said, love.” He says with a wink.

He moves to step away and I want to correct him again but Phoenix’s hand whips out and grabs Devlin by the collar. His movement is so quick that I miss it, but before I know it Devlin’s cowering in his hold.

“If you value your life,” Phoenix warns, “never call her that again.” Devlin nods once in response and Phoenix releases him with a strong shove that sends him stumbling back a step.

Once he’s righted himself, he wisely chooses to turn around and walk away rather than engaging further.

Phoenix watches him leave before he turns back towards me and gives me a quick clinical once over, as if checking to make sure I don’t have a hair out of place.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“What did he say to you?” He asks me, looking at me with searching eyes.

“Nothing I didn’t know.” I say, shrugging it off with a smile. “Why did you tell him not to call me ‘love’?”

“To save his life.” He answers, flatly, “Rhys will kill him if he hears him call you that.”

I snort at that.
