Page 142 of Pay for Your Lies

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“How do you know this is even something she wants? She just ended her previous relationship, maybe she’s happy to keep this casual.” I say, my mood blackening at the thought of Carter. I’d happily forgotten his existence up until this moment.

Trish looks over my shoulder and I turn around just in time to see a flash of fabric before Thayer drops into my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck and settles her ass against my hardening cock.

‘Hi,” she says, pecking me on the mouth once, then a second time.

I wrap one arm around her waist and the other over her thighs, pulling her closer against me. “Hi, love,” I say with a pleased rumble, happy to have her in my arms again.

I look over at Trish who gives me a conspiratorial smile. “I just know,” she says, picking up her glass, “I’m going to get a refill.”

“What were you guys talking about?” Thayer asks, interest clear in her gaze.

“Nothing important,” I reply.

“I’ll tell you this – she gives the best advice. Whatever she told you, listen to her. She’s always right.”

“Really?” I ask, the corner of my lips lifting with a smile.

“Yup,” she nods, “I didn’t use to listen when I was younger – you know being rebellious and all that – but I learned it’s just putting off the inevitable. She always turns out to be right.”

“I’ll remember that.” I tell her, sitting back against the couch and bringing her with me. “Did Six and Nera end up finding your charade?”

“No,” she says, defeated, “I thought it was obvious that it was–”

“Carli Lloyd.” I finish, cutting in.

Her eyes spark happily at my answer. “Yes!” She says, smacking my chest playfully to emphasize the word, “they were smart to separate us for this game, together we’d have been too powerful for them.”

“Damn right, Silver.” I say, capturing her lips with mine. The kiss turns into a hot and heavy makeout session making my painfully hard cock desperate to be a part of the action.

“Hey, lovebirds!” Nera chimes, interrupting us. “Enough of that. We need you guys for the next game.”

“Yeah, Rhys, come over here. I need your soccer knowledge for this trivia round.” Bellamy says, calling over to me.

“We’re not lovebirds,” Thayer corrects her weakly, as I stand with her in my arms and set her on the ground.

“Even if we are, that’s about to end,” I tell her and she throws me an alarmed look that warms the blood in my veins, “I’m not going to go easy on you just because we’re together. Prepare to be destroyed.”

That’s enough to set her competitiveness ablaze as she walks up to me, tilts her chin and narrows her eyes up at me.

“Game on.”




The week of Thanksgiving in Aubonne turns out to be one of my favorites since we moved here.

Rogue and Bellamy are back together and happier than ever. Other than how nice it is to see her beaming again, it’s been great to have her there when I sleep over at Rhys’.

When we were growing up, we dreamed about dating brothers so we could have sleepovers like this together. Rogue and Rhys aren’t related by blood, but they’re brothers in every other way that matters. And we get the sleepovers we’d always wanted.

Not that Rhys and I are dating…technically.

We’re careful not to label this, other than as being ‘exclusive’ which Rhys reminds every man who gets in a five foot radius of me, his friends included, but this is more of a relationship than I even had with Carter.

It surprises me how quickly and smoothly we fell into this rhythm together. There’s been no awkwardness between us, no hesitancy, just diving in headfirst into this.
