Page 144 of Pay for Your Lies

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His eyebrows drop as he frowns at me. “Why?”

“Because maybe we should end this.”

“We’re not ending anything.” He spits, shaking me again, “I asked you a question, Silver.”

“I like you.” I admit, avoiding his gaze.

He loosens his hold, drawing to his full height as his eyebrows drop further. When I don’t continue he says, “Alright? What’s the problem?”

“Ilikeyou, like you,” I clarify, emphasizing the word ‘like’. “Like, a lot.”

Jesus, I’m not going to win a prize for my romantic declarations any time soon.

“Okay? I fucking like you too. I’m still failing to see what the problem is here,” He says, scratching his eyebrow as he looks at me with confusion still etched on his face, “But dating someone else isn’t fucking happening.”

“Wait.” I say, putting my hands up between us. “You have feelings for me?”

“Is that what this is about?” He asks, his hand reaching out to cup my chin. “Of course I have feelings for you.”

“Don’t say ‘of course’ like it’s something that should be obvious to me. It’s not. You’re the one who said love was off the table for you, so I assumed all feelings were. That this was just one sided on my end and you’d never get invested like me. It’s not a fun feeling, I can tell you tha–,”

My words die in my throat as his hand moves from my chin to cup my cheek. His face comes down slowly and he nudges my nose with his before he closes his mouth over mine.

The kiss is slow and sensual, a million unsaid things being communicated in this one dance of our tongues. His fingers dig into my hip and spread across my cheek and neck as he holds on to me like I might float away if he didn’t.

We kiss with abandon for long minutes, completely caught up in one another. Finally, he pulls away with a ragged breath and drops kisses up my jaw and down the column of my neck.

He pulls back, looking at me through hooded eyes, his navy gaze shining with longing.

“You’re not the only one who let your guard down here, Silver,” he whispers, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I lock my arms around his neck and jump, wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands come around to grip my ass, his fingers digging greedily into my flesh as he holds me up.

He walks us backwards towards the bed as I run my hands up his neck and through his soft hair in a gentle caress. When his legs bump up against the edge of the bed, he sits, keeping me on his lap as he spreads his legs and positions mine on either side of him.

I take advantage of his distraction to grab hold of a few locks and yank, opening his throat to me.

My mouth closes around a section of skin at the base of his neck and I suck it, laving at it with my tongue. I hear Rhys hiss roughly right above my ear.

I bite him, making sure to mark him like he always marks me.

If I could make it permanent, I would.

“Mine,” I growl against his skin, before crashing my lips down on his.

A pleased growl rumbles in his chest as his hands move from my waist to play with my nipples through my lace bra.

“No,” I gasp, unsuccessfully trying to pull my lips away from his, “We can’t. They’re waiting for us downstairs.”

We were getting ready to go to the Christmas market in Geneva with Rogue and Bellamy. I’m sure they’re already in the foyer as is and let’s just say Rogue’s not the type to be kept waiting.

He keeps me anchored against him, refusing to let me move.

“The market’s not going anywhere.” He says, his expert fingers working to pull my top from the band of my skirt so he can access my bare skin.

He shoves it over my breasts, his lips coming down in the same breath to kiss the expanse of my skin.

“I want some mulled wine though.” I lament, playing with his hair as he kisses around my belly button.
