Page 179 of Pay for Your Lies

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I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.

“Let me go!” I scream again, struggling even harder. I stomp on his foot and bite his forearm until I draw blood, refusing to let go even as he attempts to shake me off.

He punches me in the stomach with his other fist, sending the breath hurtling out of me and forcing me to release him. He wraps his hands around my throat and squeezes.

This isn’t the way Rhys holds me dominantly in the bedroom, this is meant to hurt and potentially even kill.

“You don’t need to be conscious for what I have planned for you.”

Bile gathers in my throat and my eyes bulge out of my head as I fight him like a banshee.

I attempt to rip his hands off, but I’m no match for his size or strength. My nails dig into his forearms desperately then try to gouge his eyes, but he pulls his head back and out of reach.

Spots start to blur my vision as I feel my strength dwindle, but I don’t give up. I attempt to knee him in the balls, but he evades me and smashes my head against the wall behind me.

A sob catches in my crushed throat as blackness starts to edge my eyesight.

I’m not going to make it.

I’m going to die because I tried to help my mom.

I’m going to die without having said goodbye to my friends.

I’m going to die without having told Rhys that I love him. I only told him once in anger, I want the opportunity to tell him for real.

As I fight against unconsciousness and slide down against the wall behind me, I swear I hear someone yell my name.

Maybe it's an angel and if it is, it has the most magical voice I've ever heard. It's one that I could listen to forever.

I hold on to that one ray of hope and battle to open my eyes one last time just in time to see Mitch tackled off of me.

His hands are ripped from my throat and I fall to the ground in a limp pile of limbs, my legs no longer able to hold me up.

I struggle to catch my breath, sucking in huge gulps of air that light my starving lungs on fire but also feel amazing.

I’m alive.

I’m alive.

I gingerly rub my murdered throat, working to even out my breathing and calm my racing heartbeat as the panic starts to recede.

I have no idea what happened or who saved me.

I sit up carefully, groaning at the soreness in my stomach, and make out Mitch struggling with someone whose face I can’t see because his back is to me, but who I would recognize anywhere anyway.

It’s Rhys.

He appears out of nowhere like my guardian angel, saving me as I’m on the brink of blacking out and suffering God knows what sort of atrocities at Mitch’s hands.

I don’t know what he’s doing here or how he even knew to come here, but the relief at seeing him, at knowing he just saved my life has tears immediately streaming down my face.

I know I’m safe now.

I can’t see his face, but I feel his rage anyway. It suffocates all the air in the room as he rains down furious blows on Mitch’s face who’s no match for him in terms of size, stamina, or willpower.

Rhys doesn’t say anything as he continues to hit him, the other man barely putting up a fight anymore.

He gets to his feet and grabs Mitch by the collar, dragging his inert body towards the bathroom. This new position allows me to see his face for the first time and it's unrecognizable.
