Page 67 of Pay for Your Lies

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“At least look at me when you lie to me.” I tell her, looking down at her through heavy lidded eyes.

My hold on her jaw has her lips all puffy and in my face. I want to bite into them and suck on them, capturing and smothering her cries with my tongue as I devour her.

I lick my lips at the thought and she sees it.

Her eyes reveal the secret her mouth is still desperate to keep.

She wants me.

It’s painted clear as day in her blown pupils as she stares at my mouth. Starving children don’t look at Thanksgiving meals with as much hunger as she looks at me.

I plaster my body against her, forcing her completely against the door with nowhere to go. Her legs are partially spread and I use the slight opening to slide my knee up between them, not stopping until I reach the apex of her thighs.

A soft inhale whistles through her lips and I almost come in my kit at the sound.

“That’s a good girl.” I whisper, my face close enough to hers that she can feel my words on her lips.

She moans.

It’s a pitchy, desperate sound. Not much more than a small whimper and it’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

I press my knee against her pussy, making more definitive contact with her clit, and her hand shoots out, her fingers splaying on my chest.

Her eyes flutter close as she lets herself go momentarily.

She just gives in to the sensations, to the way I’m touching her and will soon be owning her.

My face comes down to her ear, my voice a desperate whisper, “If you won’t let me fuck you, at least let me kiss you.”

Her eyes fly open, even as I start to circle my knee roughly against her clit, the feeling sending sparks shooting through her like a match against a striker.

“One taste,” I say, tilting my face towards hers as I whisper, “It feels like if I don’t taste you, I’ll die.”

She licks her lips as I get within millimeters of her mouth.


My neck snaps in the direction of the voice.

Nera’s standing there with her fencing bag and a shocked look on her face. I can only imagine the picture we must be painting for her – Thayer splayed against my car with my knee between her legs, panting and seconds away from being defiled by me.

I’m about to verbally incinerate our interruptor when Thayer pushes me off.

“Oh my God,” She says, shoving me back as hard as she can.

I let myself fall back this time.

The moment’s lost.

She stumbles when she tries to walk.

“Here, let me give you a lift.” I say, taking a step towards her.

She puts her hand up, stopping me in my tracks. “No, that’s alright. Nera will drive.” She says, hopping over to her friend on one leg. “I’ll ice and elevate like you said.”

She hooks an arm over Nera’s shoulders and rests her weight on her as they head to the golf carts.

“Silver.” I bark out, and she turns around. “Watching your back as you walk away is starting to piss me off. One day soon, I’m going to lock you in a room and you won’t have anywhere to run off to.” I warn her darkly.
