Page 75 of Pay for Your Lies

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“You’ll make the next one. I’m glad she’s happy with the results of the match.” I say, putting my glass in the dishwasher. “Alright, I’m going to go shower.”

“Wait.” She says, walking around the counter. She gets on her tiptoes and gives me a short but sturdy hug. “Seriously, thank you for helping her. I know your motivations are far from selfless, but still. I haven’t seen her this happy since before Carter cheated.” She says, before quickly adding. “And I’m talking in general, not just because of today’s game.”

“Hold up.” I tell her, pulling her off me. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, I just meant she’s seemed happier over the pas–”

“No.” I cut in. “Carter cheated on her?”

Anger unfurls in my chest and clouds my vision as my eyes narrow on Bellamy. There’s a guilty look on her face, one that tells me she didn’t mean to reveal that information.

“I– fuck. I thought you knew.” She puts her hands together and pleads. “Please don’t bring it up to her unless she mentions it.”


“That’s really not your busine–”

“Tell me when, Bellamy.” I snap.

“Right before Switzerland.”

I slam my fist down on the counter next to me, fury coiling around my muscles and suffocating me from the inside. I knew that motherfucker wasn’t worth shit when he didn’t follow her here and now I have actual confirmation. I just don’t understand what she sees in the asshole.

I know she’s attracted to me, I’ve seen it with my eyes and felt it with my body and yet she won’t give in. Her resistance was understandable, although frustrating, when I thought he was a loving boyfriend back home.

Knowing she’s remained blindly loyal to a man who’s treated her like she’s disposable is infuriating beyond measure.

Will she ever leave him?

“Why did she stay with him?”

“No.” She says, her voice definitive. “I’m not telling you anything else.”

“Bellamy–” I warn, but this time she’s the one who cuts me off.

“No, don’t say my name at me like that. It doesn’t matter. She’s loyal to him and as long as they’re together, she’ll never cross a line with you.”

I huff out an annoyed breath, turning to rest both my palms on the counter.

“Just leave before Rogue sees me shirtless around you and throws a tantrum.”

“Too late.”

I look up to find Rogue leaning against the doorway, a dark smile lifting the corner of his lips.

“We’re just chatting, babe.” She tells him.

“That’s alright.” He answers with a casual shrug.

Bellamy and I exchange a quick look, surprised by his nonchalance. He’s typically a psycho when it comes to her.

I don’t buy it for a second. “That’s surprisingly rational of you.”

“I’ll make her pay for it once we’re upstairs.”

And there it is.

Bellamy blushes to the roots of her hair as she steps away from me and towards him. She stops on the other side of the counter and gives me one final piece of insight.
