Page 77 of Pay for Your Lies

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I yank her against me this time, cutting off her words.

“My name,” I say, biting her ear cruelly and making her yelp. “is Rhys. Fucking say it.”

She shakes her head, at least as much as she can without being able to move her neck.

“No?” I hum, the anger vibrating clear as a bell in my chest. “That’s why you shouldn’t be here. You’re a coward. You want your safe little life spent FaceTiming your comfortable, cheating boyfriend so go back to it and get the fuck out.” I say, finally losing my cool.

It’s felt like I’ve been on the verge of losing my temper for days, if not weeks now, and it’s coming out of me venomous and angry.

She momentarily looks like I slapped her.

There’s a shocked expression painted on her face, her mouth open in an almost comical looking ‘o’ before she quickly recovers and shoves against my chest.

I release her and she steps back, giving me a wounded look.

“Why would you say that to me?” She cries out, clearly hurt.

“Why would I say that to you? Do you really need to ask me that?” I thunder, eating the space between us with a step. “Because I’m fucking jealous, Thayer, that’s why. Some guy who I’m sure has never earned you gets to say that you belong to him. He gets to kiss you and touch you and fuck you and he’s not even worthy. Nowhere near fucking worthy if he’s touched someone else while he’s had you. And you,” I say, exhaling a harsh breath, “You forgave him.”

She scoffs at that, defensively crossing her arms to keep some distance between us. “You were very clear you were going to keep sleeping with other girls so I don’t know why you’re continuing to pretend you care that much.”

“I haven’t fucked anyone since I met you, Silver.” Her face softens momentarily before I continue, “But believe me, that’s about to change. You’re not a cheater and I’m just getting clued in that you’re never going to leave him so I’m done playing the celibate monk waiting for you. You change your mind, you know where to find me. In the meantime, see yourself out. If you pass a hot, single girl on your way out, you can send her in to take your place.”

She gives me a withering look, one that’d destroy a weaker man, but I just quirk an eyebrow back at her.

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

I laugh humorlessly. “Nothing. You’ve made it abundantly clear that you aren’t interested in fucking me and I’m finally listening to you. There’s nothing left to say.”

She stomps her foot angrily on the floor. “You’re pissing me off.”

“What is it about what I’m saying that’s pissing you off? The thought of me fucking someone else, is that it?” I taunt her. “Well join the fucking club. At least I can admit it.”

“I’m going home.” She says, brushing past me and grabbing the door handle before I speak again.

“You do that.” I say, turning towards her. “Run away like you always do.”

“Don’t be a hypocrite, Mackley.” She hisses, looking over her shoulder at me. “Don’t accuse me of running away from anything when you’re the one who won’t even consider falling in love because you’re afraid of getting hurt. There’s two of us running from something in this room.”

I give her a triumphant look. “So you admit you’re running away from this?”

“I– That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“I don’t know.” She says, shaking her head repeatedly.

“Liar.” I say.

She turns towards me. “I’m not lying.”

“You are. To yourself more than me.” I take a cautious step towards her. “Tell me you’re mine.” I command quietly, my tone meant to persuade. "That’s all you have to do.”

She hesitates, I see her hesitate, but she doesn’t break when she finally speaks. “I’m not.”

I scoff, unsurprised. “Why not?”

“I have a boyfriend. I’m his.”
