Page 7 of Really Poplar

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Is that what I really want? To be all alone on this damn mountain with no one to talk to. No warm body to come home to, to welcome me into soft, plush arms and wrap herself around me. Kiss me with a smile and say she was waiting for me.

It fucking scares the hell out of me that I might not want that. When I picture my life going forward, I see Treaty in those dreams. See her sweet smile, the soft look in her pale blue eyes like ice in the winter with the sun glinting through it. The lush damn curves that have me hard as hell even now, although I know she’s sick. Hurt. I can’t help myself. I still want her.

And doesn’t that make me a fucking bastard and not good enough for her!

Standing, I put the SAT phone up and go to brew a cup of coffee. It’s gonna be a long damn night because there’s no way in hell I’m going to sleep while she’s got a fever and is sick as fuck.

I may be a bastard but I’m not that big a bastard.

I’ve got some principles. No matter what people in this town think.



Stretching,I smile when the cool sheets slide along my skin like silk. Until I feel them catch on my side and pain streaks through it.

Groaning, I open my eyes and survey the room, my forehead crinkling in confusion. “Where the hell am I?”

“My place,” a deep voice rumbles too close to me and I squeak and jump, my eyes darting over to a strangely familiar man.

“Wh— what, who are you?” My voice trembles and I clench my teeth, trying to get myself under control. My hand reaches down to feel the bandage along my side. “What happened to me?”

“I’m Jude. Jude Hartley. I’m the ranger. You’re up on Black Timber Peak. Do you remember anything yet?”

My eyes close and I think back, surprised when nothing comes to me. Opening them, I stare back at him, stunned. “I don’t.”

“It’s alright. There’s no rush. You’ll remember everything in your own time.”

I nod my head, distracted by the subtle masculine scent wafting up from the quilt covering me. I want to drag it up to my nose and breathe it in so deep that it becomes part of me, sinking into my DNA .

“How did I get here?” I ask, coughing at the soreness in my throat. He immediately reaches across and grabs a glass of water beside the bed. He helps me to sit up and take a deep drink before he tugs it away.

“Don’t drink too much. I don’t want you to get sick.” That voice. I remember that voice. I have vague memories of what seems like a dream. A raspy, deep, rough voice telling me that everything’s gonna be fine. He’s got me.

My belly clenches and heat stirs. I keep my eyes down and my fingers twist in my lap. What the hell is going on? I don’t react to men like this. Not since I divorced my idiot ex.

“Do I know you?” There’s this little lilting voice in my head saying that I’ve talked to him. Seen him before.

“Yeah. You do. But not really.”

My lips twist. “I don’t really think that’s possible.”

His chuckle makes me smile although it’s rusty with disuse. “It is if I never talked to you. I saw you at the farmer’s market sometimes. You were selling things and you were always busy when I saw you so I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Huh.” I wrinkle my nose. “I think I remember you from far away.”

“Yeah. That’s probably me.”

“And you said that you’re the ranger?”

“Yep. And you’re way the hell up Black Timber Peak.” His pale eyes flare with something dark. “What the hell were you doing so far up here, angel?”

My back stiffens. I know that tone. I’ve heard it often enough from Justin. It’s anger and disdain. I don’t like it.

“I don’t think it’s any of your business what I do.”

“If I have to go out in the middle of the night to save your ass, it sure as hell is! You could’ve died out there before I found you!”
