Page 7 of Radric

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“Don’t call me that,” she hisses angrily. “And let go of me. I think I’ve heard enough. Lust? That’s your stock in trade? That’s what you deal in? Is that why…?”

She doesn’t finish the sentence but my heart rate quickens anyway. I know what she was going to say.

“No. You’re not feeling this way because of some sick trick that I’m playing on you. You want me because you belong to me. No other reason than that.”

Lobo huffs out a laugh and stands up tall. “And with that, I think I’ll leave you two to talk. Good luck with that, Radric.” He nods towards the red-faced and angry woman still jerking at her arm like she’s going to get away from me.

Not gonna happen but it’s cute that she thinks it will.

The devil looks after his own and so do I.



As soon as Lobo walks out the door, I’m jerking away again but his hold on my arm tightens until I hiss out a breath, knowing I’m going to have a bruise.

“You’re not getting away from me, goddess, so you might as well stop before you hurt yourself. I can hear the thoughts running through your pretty little head but you are wrong. Our feelings are not a trick of mine. Yes, I mess with humans. I can control their emotions, twist their feelings to make them do things they might not normally do. A one-night stand with a biker for a bored housewife looking for an out in her marriage. A mistress for a sitting congressman that totally screws his once-happy home up. And don’t think I don’t get some joy out of it. But the people that I mess with are already teetering on the edge of screwing their own lives up. They are not white knights out there working for a cause and protectors helping the downtrodden. They are assholes that are only looking to help themselves. And I help them.”

“I cannot make my mate feel anything other than what she feels. You are and will always be immune to my trickery because you are my mate.”

“Oh happy day. I should believe you, why?” I say sarcastically, trying to keep my guard up. My skin burns where her’s touching me and I want nothing more than to have him burn me in other places. Private, secret places that are heating up, softening, yearning for his touch.

“There are a lot of things that some people might say to you about me but remember this. A mate is a special thing.” He gives me whiplash changing the subject.

“We must mate in the next twenty-four hours. The blood moon is for the next day or so and I need my mate.”

His ebony eyes are sparkling with lust, dark with desire. His tongue slicks over his full lips and taunts me, teases me with temptation.

That’s not hard when he looks like that but I still can’t decide if this is real.

Are my feelings my own or are they twisted by his powers?

“They’re your own. I’ve already told you that you alone can control your desires and lust. You alone control our destiny.” His smirk turns speculative and naughty and my breath catches in my throat.

“That doesn’t mean that I won’t do my best to change your mind if you choose otherwise. I will do every damn thing to get you, to win you over, claim you for my own. Tonight. But even I, as a powerful prince of darkness can only do so much.”

Chuckling, I pace across the room back and forth. “You are definitely not humble. Prince of darkness indeed,” I huff.

He stalks across the room and blocks my path, stopping me in my tracks. “You don’t think that I am powerful, mate? I can care for your more than any other being in this world. Even if that demon shows up to touch you, he cannot harm a hair on your head if you are mated to me.”

“What was the Sheriff talking about with demons around here?”

He gets a haughty, annoyed look on his gorgeous, dark face. “Until we are mated, I don’t want to talk about another male. Hear his name or anything else about him from your lips.”

My eyes fly to his and the darkness in his deep ebony eyes is shocking. “You look insane right now.”

He stalks towards me, his body pushing into my space, leaning his head down to run his nose along my neck. “You smell delicious, mate.”

“Ummm,” My voice quivers and I have the naughties urge to climb his big body like a tree. I don’t understand these feelings. I’ve never had these kinds of feelings before and he’s the demon that impacts lust. Isn’t it odd that all of a sudden my previously quiet urges are raging out of control and taking over, scrambling all of my defenses and making me want this man, this demon, so much that I’m practically willing to throw myself at him, begging him to touch me.

His hand snakes down to cover my hip and I lean into him, my senses swirling with desire. I breathe in deep and his scent washes over me, a powerful cinnamon scent overlaid with a lush floral rose and a slight scent of sulfur. I’ve never smelled anything like it and it intoxicates my senses so much that I can’t think straight.

His head dips down until he’s whispering in my ear. “Let me claim you, mate. Let me love you like you should always have been loved. Like the beautiful, sensuous, sexy woman that you are.”

No man has ever said anything like that to me either. He’s pushing all my buttons to make me want him so much that I give in.

His lips trace my throat and I move it aside, letting him run his sharp teeth along my throat. The resulting ache has me desperate for any kind of release. There’s a deep, throbbing, aching in my belly.
