Page 10 of Wicked Stranger

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“Why?” Raina asked, confused as to why this complete stranger would want to know anything about her.

“Why what?” Zane replied to her question with a question.

“Do you care?” Raina felt tears burn the back of her eyes again. It had been a very long time since anyone gave a shit about her, and well, damn, she was liking the feeling. Then again, she had most definitely read people wrong, thinking they cared when, in fact, they did not.

“Because if any of my friends are in danger, I take that very seriously,” Zane answered without hesitation.

“Oh.” She whispered, feeling a deep disappointment that surprised her. Of course, he was worried about Thorne and Wicked, as well as the kids. What did she expect him to say to her, a stranger who possibly brought the trouble in the first place? That he was concerned about her welfare? Man, she was a fool. “As you should. Which is why I need to leave. That will solve the issue.”

“No, it will not,” Zane answered, his voice hard. “You will still be in danger, and that issue I will personally see taken care of.”

Never in her life had Raina felt like running into someone’s arms to take refuge, and here she was fighting herself not to do just that with this beautiful, scarred man. Tears burst through as her body began to shake, and she totally lost her shit in front of the one person she didn’t want to lose her shit in front of. All the fear, confusion, and total helplessness at her situation all came screaming out of her, and she was at a loss on how to stop it. All she wanted to do was crawl into the safety of this stranger’s arms and escape it all.


Usually, Zane was at a loss when women fell apart in front of him. The very first thing that would cross his mind was to get the hell out and let someone else take care of whatever issue the woman had, but Raina was different. The moment he saw her profile, the instant feeling of protecting this woman hit him like a force he had never felt before and was only getting stronger every minute.

Instead of running like he usually did, he reached out and took her in his arms. He held her against him as she cried, her body shaking against his. Zane’s rage at whoever put her in this state had him and his panther foaming at the mouth to find them and make them pay. He knew exactly what this meant, had seen it so many times, and never thought he would find it himself. She was his mate.

Her being human was only one of the many complicating factors of her being his mate. His scars and past were also contributing to his dread of realizing this was his one and true person. It happens that fast for Shifters. Pushing those thoughts aside for now, he let her release everything while in his arms.

“I’m sorry.” She sniffed, pulling away, looking embarrassed. “I’m just really tired. I don’t usually…you know…”

Zane let her pull away but remained silent, letting her get her bearings. Her red, puffy eyes stared up at him. She looked so lost that all he wanted to do was pull her back to him, but he refrained.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” Raina said, clearing the tears from her throat. Her words surprised him enough that his eyes widened slightly. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Saving me from a wolf, getting Bruce off my leg, and letting me have a long overdue breakdown on your shirt.”

“You’re welcome,” Zane said. As his smile grew, a chuckle escaped his throat. “And thank you for smashing a log on the wolfs head and tending to my arm.”

“You’re welcome.” Raina gave him a shaky smile and then looked at his arm. With a gasp, she reached out, grabbing it to see better. “It’s healed already?”

“Zelda is an amazing healer,” Zane replied, enjoying her touch.

“Most witches are,” Raina said, then sighed. “I always wanted to be a witch. Even as a little girl. Every Halloween since I was old enough to dress up, I’ve been a witch.”

“And then you met Wicked.” Zane cocked his eyebrow, enjoying this side of Raina. Free from fear and, well, anger toward him. That thought made him grin. She was definitely feisty, and he liked that a lot.

“And then I met Wicked…and Bruce,” Raina said as the shadows came back into her beautiful eyes and a frown formed across her lips. “I guess I need to go back in there and explain to all of you.”

“Yes,” Zane answered truthfully. “Just know you aren’t alone. Whatever it is, you are not alone.”

“Thank you, Zane.” Raina reached out and touched his arm with a sad smile. “You will never know what those words mean to me.”

“They aren’t just words,” Zane promised her as they walked back toward the house.

Raina nodded as they walked back inside. Thorne and Wicked sat at the table talking but stopped when they walked in. Wicked stood and came to Raina, giving her a tight hug.

“Whatever it is we are here for you, Raina,” Wicked said, giving her another tight squeeze before pulling away.

Zane watched her closely and knew she was close to breaking again. He gave her a confident nod of encouragement as he leaned against the wall close enough if she needed his comfort again. Fuck, he was in deep shit with this beautiful woman.

“After you left the tattoo business, things were doing well. Most of your customers stayed loyal. Actually, it got so busy that I needed to hire more help.” Raina started not looking at anyone but instead stared at the table in front of her. She had remained standing, her hands twisting nervously together. “None of them really worked out because you, Wicked, are a hard act to follow. Many of your customers that I couldn’t fit in between my own patrons left.”

“I’m so sorry.” Wicked whispered, but Raina shook her head.

“Don’t you dare apologize.” Raina frowned, shaking her head. “What you did for me I could never repay. You gave me my start and left me a booming business that I failed.”

Zane seriously doubted Raina failed anything but kept his mouth closed, letting her continue. Whoever made her feel this way would pay and pay dearly.
