Page 2 of Wicked Stranger

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Bruce snorted, then snorted again as if trying to think of a good comeback. Before he could say a word, a bone-chilling growl came from the trees she was pointing at. They both watched as a huge beast came out of the darkness, its glowing eyes going between the two of them, its head hung low as its golden glare narrowed on Raina.

Raina screamed in terror as Bruce leaped onto her leg, wrapping his four paws around her. His nails bit painfully into her skin through her jeans. Knowing she didn’t stand a chance of escaping, she wondered why in the hell she had just stood there shooting the shit with Bruce instead of demanding he show her the way out of the woods. There were times she would readily admit she made bad choices, and this was definitely one of them.

Trying to back up quickly while a cat has a death grip on your leg was impossible, but she tried. The beast kept watching them with evil eyes, taking one slow step toward them.

“Run, dammit,” Bruce ordered in a harsh whisper.

“Get off my damn leg so I can,” Raina ordered back, but it was too late. Just as she took another step backward, the beast charged toward them, and both Raina and Bruce screamed in terror.

Something rushed past them, knocking Raina sideways, sending her to the ground and out of harm's way. Just as she hit, she watched in complete shock as a man wrapped the beast into his massive arms, taking it to the ground.


Zane jogged through the forest, letting his mind relax as he worked his body. Running was his outlet and allowed him time to process his day. Coming to Assjacket to help his friend Thorne had been an easy decision. He hadn’t seen Thorne in a few years, only communicated through text or a few phone calls. He was happy for his friend, who had found his true mate, had two beautiful children, and an amazing home. Though he was happy for Thorne, it was just a reminder of what Zane would never have in his life, and on very rare occasions, that was a hard pill to swallow. Running helped him cope. At least, that’s what he told himself.

His panther was restless, wanting to be let loose to run the forest, but Zane refused, knowing the man needed it more. Thorne and Zane were some of the last panther shifters; mating was important for them, and Zane felt that failure deep in his soul. He would never mate; it wasn’t in the cards for him. He had come to terms with it, yet here he was, running, trying to escape the failure he thought he had accepted. He hadn’t accepted shit. The man knew it, and so did his panther.

Zane slowed cocking his head to the side as he listened to the sounds around him. Was that a scream he heard? So lost in his own thoughts, he tried to stay alert to the possible dangers around him, but then again, there were times he hoped to run into trouble just to let his rage and frustrations loose.

Coming to a complete stop, he stood still, listening, his keen eyesight searching the area around him. Only being here for close to a month, Zane knew the woods like the back of his hand. It was in his nature, as well as his panthers, to know the terrain.

A woman’s scream mixed with what sounded like a terrified screech had his head snapping toward the direction, and without thought, he took off. His body was rigid and ready for what was to come. His panther raged to be set free, but Zane ignored it, knowing that whatever lay ahead was something he, the man, would settle no matter what it was. The man needed it for release.

Slowing, he came to a stop, knowing he was close, yet he didn’t exactly know which direction to go. Hearing the snapping underbrush of the forest floor, his eyes narrowed toward the sound. Silently he crept forward toward the thickness of the trees, letting the eyesight of his panther take over so he could see in the darkness.

He caught sight of movement. A woman stood with her back to him with Bruce, that fucking talking cat, hanging to her left leg like a second skin. She took a step back, and he could see the shaking of her body. She was terrified, but of what, he wasn’t sure. His panther began to vibrate inside him, its roar of rage screaming inside his head. Looking past her, Zane saw the larger-than-normal wolf staring at the woman as if she were his next tasty meal. Its head hung low, swinging slowly back and forth as its golden eyes stayed on the woman. Zane knew exactly what that meant. The wolf was toying with its prey before the attack. Not on his fucking watch. Zane prepared himself to counter the wolf’s move, his focus solely on the wolf until the woman’s head turned, giving him a profile of her face. The intense feeling of protectiveness hit so hard that his legs buckled, and a low snarl escaped his throat.

Zane was so taken aback by what just happened he almost missed the sudden movement of the wolf. Knowing he didn’t have time to shift, Zane took off, knocking the woman out of dangers way. Barely making it in time, Zane leaped, grabbing the beast and taking it to the ground.

The wolf was strong, but Zane easily overpowered him, even in human form. He quickly glanced to ensure the woman was a safe distance away, and that small moment of distraction was all the wolf needed to clasp onto his forearm with its massive teeth.

“Shit!” Zane cursed, knowing he couldn’t just rip his arm out of the bastard's mouth without tearing his arm to shreds. Before he could use his other arm to knock the wolf out, a loud scream filled the air just as a huge log smashed it upside the head, sending pieces of wood flying everywhere.

“Oh my God!” The woman grasped as he pried the wolf’s mouth open to release his arm. “Here.” She knelt beside him, and the knocked-out wolf ripping a strip of her shirt. Gently taking his arm, she examined it before quickly applying pressure to stop the bleeding. Zane kept one eye on her and the other on the wolf, making sure he wasn’t waking up.

Her touch sent vibrations through his body, making him jerk his arm away. “What in the hell are you doing in the middle of the woods?”

“You’re still bleeding.” She replied, ignoring his question. She tried to grab his arm again, but he moved it further back, avoiding her touch. Her light blue eyes rose to his, and a frown formed on her full lips. “I’m trying to help you.”

“I don’t need your help.” His voice was harsh, but he didn’t care. Her touch unnerved him like nothing ever had, and his panther was clawing to be set free. This woman was dangerous in so many ways that the best thing he could do was to get up and walk away. Instead, he stood glaring down at her.

“Ah, you’re welcome.” She shot back, also standing, the top of her head barely reaching his chin. “I was just trying to keep you from bleeding to death.”

“I’m good.” He tried to lighten his voice, not make it so harsh, and then he noticed the scratches on her face, becoming instantly concerned. “Did the wolf scratch you?”

“What?” She frowned, looking confused.

“Your face.” He ordered, grasping her chin against his better judgment to turn her face more toward him so he could observe the scratches better. “Did it scratch you?” Once again, his voice turned harsh to the point of anger.

Smacking his hand away, she glowered at him. “No, it did not.”

“Okay, kids.” Bruce stepped in, giving them both sideways glances. “Let’s play nice.”

“Shut up, Bruce.” They both said at the same time as they glared at each other.

“You know him?” They asked each other at the same time.

“Everyone knows me because I’m the shit,” Bruce answered for them both. “Raina, Zane. Zane, Raina.”
