Page 29 of Wicked Stranger

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Bruce snorted. “No, but you know what was painful? Having Fat Bastard wrapping my balls with gold foil was what was painful. And for what?” Bruce kicked another rock with a curse. “Now everyone is going to know that Fat Bastard touched my balls, and I ain’t got nothing to show for it. No pictures, no nothing.”

“Oh,” Raina said, clearing her throat and trying to absorb what she had just been told.

“Yeah, oh, is right.” Bruce sighed, shaking his head. “Nothing ever goes right for me.”

She felt terrible because this was all her fault. She was the one who put the golden balls and the Hall of Fame stuff in his head. “Listen, Bruce, how about if I paint you with your golden balls.”

“What?” Bruce perked up at hearing this.

“Yeah. What?” Zane looked at her like she had lost her mind.

“You would do that? For me?” Bruce asked wide-eyed.

“Sure.” Raina nodded, not really wanting to paint cat balls, but for Bruce, she would. “I got you, friend.”

“Yes!” Bruce smiled excitedly, then trotted off. “Wait until fat ass hears about this. I’m going to have my own painting done of my balls.”

Raina grinned and then looked up at Zane, who was frowning at her. “Stop looking at me like that. If you only knew the things I’ve tattooed on men and where, you would totally understand that this will be a piece of cake.”

“Do not tell me anything you have done on or with men ever again unless you want me to hunt them down and kill them,” Zane ordered with a serious warning in his tone.

“Jealous?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

“Whoa, where have you been hiding her Zane?” A handsome man walked past, eyeing Raina up and down.

“She’s my mate, Seth.” Zane snarled at the man in warning. “Watch yourself.”

“Oh, shit.” Seth’s steps quickened. “Sorry, man.”

“Very jealous and territorial,” Zane warned her but ended up giving her a half smile.

“I’m not going anywhere, Zane.” She promised, then started to lift her arms to wrap around his neck.

“Whoa, don’t do that.” He grabbed her arms and then wrapped them around his waist. “When you lift your arms, your skirt goes up.”

“Oh,” Raina said, then frowned. “Is that why you were making me reach up to straighten pictures that I said weren’t crooked.”

“Guilty.” Zane laughed, not even trying to hide his deceit. “Shit, Wicked is waving us over. Guess it’s time to introduce you to everyone.”

“Don’t you want me to meet everyone?” Raina looked over at him as they made their way toward Wicked.

“Yeah, but I really like keeping you to myself.” Zane tossed her a wink as he pulled her tighter against him. Raina knew he was letting everyone at the party know that she was his, and she was absolutely fine with that.

“Dammit Raina!” Wicked hissed as they walked up to her and Thorne. “Did you tell Bruce you would paint a portrait of his golden balls?”

All Raina could do was laugh and nod. For the first time, Raina felt as if she belonged, and it felt wonderful. She had missed Wicked and Bruce. She was finally home. Wicked just rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on her face, while Bruce, on the other hand, walked past them with Fat Bastard.

“Dude, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing for me, buddy.” Bruce’s voice sounded pleading.

“I told you I am not touching your fucking balls again.” Fat Bastard muttered in disgust. “Once was more than enough, and fifty bucks definitely wasn’t worth it. Find someone else.”

“Fine. I will, but you’re missing out. This could be huge, and I’m not talking about my huge nuggets…asshole.” Bruce watched Fat Bastard waddle away. With a huff, he looked around, spotting another one of his cat friends. “Hey, Fred, wait up. I have an opportunity of a lifetime for you, buddy.”
