Page 23 of The Savage

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Sabrina licks the vodka off her thumb, slowly, sensuously, holding the girl’s gaze. She lowers her hand, letting it rest on the blonde’s bare thigh.

The women mirror each other down the length of their bodies, leaning in close, eyes locked. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but from the expression on Sabrina’s face, it’s something naughty.

The blonde blushes harder than ever, giggling. She nods.

I head down the stairs, smiling to myself.

* * *



The dancer’s name is Kylie and she’s from Australia. She’s been working in clubs across Europe, in Ibiza at first, then Cannes, now Dubrovnik.

“I’ll work through the summer, then head home in the fall.” She downs the last of her drink. “Well, it won’t be fall in Melbourne. I guess I’ll have two summers in a row.”

I order us another round for the road, since Adrik will be the one driving.

“It’s on me,” I tell Kylie as she reaches for her purse.

“My god you’re gorgeous,” Kylie remarks. “You should be a model. I tried when I came to Spain, but I wasn’t tall enough.”

“You look pretty fucking perfect to me,” I tell her.

Kylie blushes, pleased and already a little tipsy. I don’t think I was the first person to buy her a drink tonight.

“That guy you were with—”


“Is he your boyfriend?”

“It’s our first date.”

Kylie laughs. “You’re a wild one.”

“You have no idea.”

The music thuds around us. I’m enveloped in her sweet floral scent.

“What’s that perfume?”

“ ‘Very Irresistible.’ ”

“It certainly is.”

She giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. Her teeth are crooked, the incisors overlapping the ones in front. I think it’s adorable.

I lean forward.

“Why don’t you come home with me so I can see if you taste as good as you smell?”

Kylie blushes redder than ever. “Is your hotel close by?” she murmurs.

“Fuck if I know.”

Seizing her by the hand, I pull her to her feet. Her heels are even taller than mine, putting us at almost the same height. The blue dress clings to her body. All I can think is how badly I want to uncover those soft breasts again and press them against mine.
