Page 42 of The Keeper

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A moment later, her‘oooh’from the other room made him smile. In some ways she was the most unusual woman he’d ever met and yet there was something familiar and utterly feminine about her.

“Let me see,” he said.

“It doesn’t look like much on the hanger, but I’ve had this sucker on. Pippa, that’s Seth’s younger sister, had to be the one who picked it out. She was with me. And she bought the black patent leather Louboutins with the red heel and peep toe that I’ve been wanting.”

He leaned against the dresser. “If you wanted them, why not buy them?”

Miley laughed. “Apparently you’ve never priced Louboutins.”

He nodded. “Keep in mind, your very indulgent Dom is a very rich man—buy as many Louboutins as you like, provided they are comfortable and won’t do weird things to your feet. Georgina says some women’s shoes can actually result in deforming their feet.”

She saluted him. “Duly noted, Sir. Go have breakfast with the guys. I need to do my makeup and hair. I’ll be ready to go in less than forty-five minutes.”

“Just so you know. You don’t have to do any of that for me. I like it when you’re fresh out of the shower and your hair is still wet and falls in glorious waves past your shoulders.”

She shook her head, but never stopped smiling.

A short while later, she joined them in the main room of the house. Miley’s colleagues were stupefied and stunned into silence. She was an absolute vision in a black, body-con silhouette dress with shirred sides, an off-center deep chest cutout, and an asymmetrical hem. In some ways, it was modest, and he could see it at a high-society funeral. He could also see it at a gallery opening. It fit her like a glove.

“Pippa said you had seen it at your favorite store, and so they had your measurements to tailor it for you,” said Seth.

“Your little sister has excellent taste,” said Damon to Seth.

“Part of the group is already in position. We’ll follow you to Acosta’s house and wait outside in plain sight.”

Miley nodded. “That sounds good.”

They drove to Franco Acosta’s elegant mansion in Charleston. His guards opened the gates to admit Damon’s car but closed the gates to the accompanying SUV, which was parked parallel to them, effectively blocking the entrance. Tit-for-tat.

Damon pulled up in front of the grand entrance and helped Miley from the car. The determination had been made for Miley not to carry a gun. Acosta’s men searched Damon, but when they reached for Miley, his growled ‘no’ stopped them in their tracks.

Trying to lighten the mood, Miley smiled and said, “Seriously boys, exactly where is it you think I’d hide a weapon?”

Acosta’s chief thug stood at the top of the stairs just outside the double door, leading into the house. “Mr. Acosta will see you in his private garden. This way, please.”

They followed him. Damon had his hand at the small of Miley’s back as he guided her through the foyer and out an ornate set of French doors into a beautiful, formal garden with blooming flowers of all sorts. It looked like a set that had been decorated for a movie shoot.

Franco Acosta stood. He was not smiling. “Damon. I thought never to see you again. You have some nerve showing up here after leaving my Francesca at the altar.”

“Franco, I didn’t leave her at the altar. We had yet to even set a date. And you know all too well why I broke things off with Frannie. As I recall, I did so in this very garden with you in attendance so she wouldn’t be left alone. As I’m sure you are aware, she did not afford me the same courtesy.”

“She loves you, Damon. She is still hopeful that she can convince you of your mistake. Bringing your…”

“Watch your language, Franco. Miley is now the woman in my life. A fact of which I am sure you are aware. I think you should sit down, Franco. I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

“Bad news?” He rang a bell. “I never take bad news without a fresh glass of sweet tea. Would you care for some?”

Franco’s long-term housekeeper appeared with tall glasses of sweet tea over ice in elegant crystal glasses. Both he and Miley waited for Franco to take a sip of his before doing the same.

“So, what is this bad news you felt you needed to deliver in person?” asked Franco.

“I’m afraid Frannie tried to hurt people I care about. She arranged for an assault on my club, killing my security guard and leaving behind something she knew I would recognize as coming from the area around your cabin. I went out with my security team to try and resolve this as peacefully as possible. Frannie wasn’t having it. She booby-trapped the surrounding forest. One of her cruder traps wounded one man and killed another. When my team went to move in, I tried to talk Frannie into ordering your men to lay down their weapons and surrender herself to me. I would have guaranteed her safety and ensured she was treated gently. Instead, she ordered your men to kill us all while she fled in her personal SUV.”

“You should never have gone there. You were trespassing.”

“Perhaps, but I don’t believe the police will see it that way. We had a drone that got in front of her and tried to get her to stop. Instead, she drove straight toward the edge of the cliff, flooring it as she hit the edge. The SUV flew off and crashed at the bottom of the ravine. Even though none of us believed there was any chance of her survival, we had a team searching for hours and a team of paramedics standing by. The medical examiner confirmed this morning that Frannie was killed. Despite what had passed between us, I wanted to tell you in person what happened and offer you my deepest condolences.”

“You are not the first person to tell me this, Damon. I, too, am deeply sorry it has come to this. Francesca may have had her difficulties coping with this cruel world, but she was the light of my life—my only child. Her feelings for you were strong…”
