Page 90 of Dev Girl

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Don scoffed and shook his head, but couldn’t hide the creases in his forehead. The downturn of his mouth and the corners of his eyes. “The foul language isn’t attractive. Neither is the pink hair, quite honestly. Other people will sell, and when I evict your cuck last, because he has no choice, I’ll remind you of this moment.”

“No. I don’t care that you grew up here. You’re not part of Haddarville and you never will be again.” I was certain of that. “Get the fuck out of my boyfriend’s store.”

Don scoffed. “It’s about time you let me leave, psycho bitch.” He stormed out as if he was the one who made the decision to walk away.

Wow. Holy…

“How are you?” Onyx’s soft question tugged me from my own disbelief.

“Did I just do that?”

He nodded. “One of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.”

My laugh felt slightly unhinged. “Holy fuck. I didn’t ruin anything for you, did I?” I knew I hadn’t, but that whisper of doubt…

“No. You made it all perfect.” Onyx turned me fully to face him, and tilted up my chin, to look me in the eye. “Boyfriend?”

All but, for so long now. It was another of those clear thoughts I should’ve seen sooner. “Yes.”

Onyx brushed his lips over mine. Without it being a show for anyone, without it being attached to sex, the kiss felt new. Unique.


“I know we have things to work out,” Onyx said. “But I love you, Alys. For so long, but I didn’t see it. And what you did to Don just now? So, so sexy. Wow.”

I love you. The words filled me, until my heart felt like it might float away. It sounded so good to hear that from Onyx. So right. “I love you too.” I kissed him back, again and again. Relishing the way he nipped at my lips, and dragged his fingers up my back, and—

“You know the front door’s still unlocked, right?” Maddox’s teasing cut into the moment. “People can see you through the window? What did I miss?”

My laugh slipped out and I didn’t try to stop it, while heat flooded my cheeks. I had no idea how to begin to answer that question.

Maddox didn’t look upset, or even slightly bothered. He was watching us with the same openness he always wore. “The two of you are really hot together, by the way. And seriously, did I miss something?”

“We’re in love.” I needed to have a similar conversation with Maddox. Right now, I was enjoying finally hearing those words from Onyx.

Pft. Maddox blew out the noise. “I knew that.”

“Of course you did.” Onyx chuckled. “What you missed, in that case, is that apparently Don was the person trying to buy my store. I told him no, so he came down here to guilt me into it. Alys ripped him a new asshole that he won’t know he has until he opens his mouth and shit comes out a new place.”

Maddox wrinkled his nose. “Gross. I wish I’d come up with it.” He kissed us each on the cheek as if it were the most natural thing, and held up a to-go bag from Joystick’s. “Are we eating?”

Was this my life?

Onyx turned the sign on the front door to closed. “People can come back.” He locked the door.

We headed into the break room, and laid the food out on the table.

So much had happened in the last little bit, my mind was whirring to sort it all into the right spots. “Wait.” I paused mid-food-box opening. “You’re not selling.” That was an important thing I missed in the chaos of everything else.

Maddox already had a mouthful of wing. He swallowed quickly. “Does that mean you’re staying?”

It did, right? Onyx and I loved each other? Maddox… I doubted that was far behind. The buyer was out. Onyx was staying?

He pulled a face that instantly squashed my hopes. “I still own the new store in Arizona,” he said. “I… can’t afford to keep both.”

“I’ll buy this store.” Maddox didn’t hesitate.

“You want to run a record store?” Onyx’s disbelief was clear.
