Page 119 of Sin With Me

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He looks like he’s about to puke and the traitorous bitch sucks in a sharp breath that makes me want to laugh. Instead, I take a step back, bringing my cigarette to my lips again as I slide my opposite hand into my jeans.

“What?” I grin. “You didn’t recognize your own son?” I nearly choke on the word. I haven’t been his son in years.

It makes me sick I share any blood with this fucking asshole.

And she willingly lets him touch her, kiss her, fuck her.

My skin burns and I wonder if I might be in Hell.

“What?” he breathes, his voice barely audible. “You were—”

“You looked right at me,” I say around my cigarette, tipping my shoulder. “And you didn’t even recognize me. But what shocked me more was you.” I turn my attention to Eve, pointing the cigarette at her shocked face. She crumbles under my full attention. “How long?”

“What?” she chokes out, still hiding behind the prick as though he might keep her safe.

That’d be the day.

“How long have you been fucking my father?” I drawl.

“Roman,” Isaac snaps. “Stop it.”

“Did you at least wait until she was legal?” I ask, turning my attention back to him. “Was Jane’s body even cold before you jumped into bed with the younger model?”

Eve whimpers, the sound truly pathetic, but I can’t look at her anymore. It makes me too fucking mad to see her. To see the woman she’s become.

This isn’t how things were supposed to go. She was supposed to leave and travel. She was supposed to see the world. But here she is, playing whore to the man who ruined my life. Who destroyed whatever soul I had.

To know she chose him over me makes me fucking disgusted.

No, it enrages me. It makes me see red.

How could she?

After everything we’d shared, how could she pick him? When I’d promised her the world, why him?

“You were there,” he says dumbly, still sounding shocked.

I let a puff of smoke out again, watching with grim satisfaction as he bats it away from his face.

He looks different than I remember. Older. Fine lines are around his mouth, and grey peppers his temples. But his eyes are the same. They’ll never change.

I hate that it’s like looking into a mirror of my future self.

“Are you here for money?” he asks. “Are you blackmailing me?”

I throw my head back and laugh sarcastically. “That’s hilarious,” I say. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just here to visit my stepsister and father. Don’t let me get in your way.” Even though it enrages me, I step back and wave my hand between them. “Get back to whatever I interrupted. I have shit to do.”

I don’t, but being near them is making my skin crawl. All I want is a drink right now. I just want to down an entire bottle of liquor and say fuck the consequences. Right now, I don’t care about my sobriety. I care about numbing what I’m feeling.

I move toward the front door, expecting them to part for me. But they still stand there, between me and my exit, eyes wide. I drop the smoked cigarette to the wood floor and grind it into ash with the tip of my boot.

“I said I have shit to do,” I bark, my fingers already wrapping around my Zippo.

“Why don’t you just leave then?” Isaac sighs. “I’ll give you whatever you want. Just leave us alone for good.”

Eve makes another sound, this one almost as though she’s protesting his statement, but I ignore it. Nothing out of her mouth can be trusted, not anymore. Not when it’s been so obviously tainted by the Devil himself.

Turning to face Isaac, the man who tore my life to shreds, again and again, I smile, letting him see the true extent of the monster he created. “I don’t want your money, Dad.” Bile fills my mouth at the name, but my hand roughly tapping his cheek makes it all better. “And I’m not fucking going anywhere, so be a good host and make up the couch for me, yeah?”
