Page 141 of Sin With Me

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“Call you,” I repeat slowly, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. “And you two are…friends?” He pushes his glasses up his nose as he laughs.

“Well, if things go my way, I’m hoping we’ll be a bit more than friends, if you know what I mean.” He waggles his brows at me making me gag into my mouth.

This is the guy Eve fucked? This is who Oli was talking about?

The side door opens, and Eve and Oli come back in, the latter looking disgruntled. Eve comes to an abrupt stop when she sees me talking to Kevin, her eyes widening.

That expression alone tells me everything I need to know, and I force my face into a grin. A small part of me wants to punch this kid. Marcus, too, though I’m not sure why. Definitely Isaac.

But the rest of me is too busy reveling in the terrified look on my stepsister’s face. Too busy imagining the way she’ll cry and beg me to stop tormenting, stop laughing, stop hurting.

“Sure, Kev,” I drawl, sliding my eyes to him. I tap his shoulder in a friendly gesture. “I’ll make sure she gives you a chance.”

“Oh, thank you,” he says, smiling broadly, looking downright giddy. “She’s a special girl.”

I let out a laugh, unable to hold it in.

“That she is,” I agree, my eyes on hers. “Definitely special.”

Kevin scurries from the church, and Eve finds a spot on the opposite side of the room, her and Oli sitting close together so they can quietly talk. I barely pay attention to the meeting, focusing solely on her. Before I even realize it, Isaac calls it to a close, and Eve is on her feet, telling people bye.

I stand up, rubbing my hands down my thighs as she moves to the refreshments table and starts cleaning up. Isaac stacks chairs and shakes hands while people leave.

With a deep breath, I make my way toward Eve. I lean back against the table when I get to her, my arms folded over my chest.

“So,” I start, looking around the room. That Marcus fuck is still here, but he’s in line to talk to Isaac. Maybe he’s no more than a guy who needs help and wants nothing to do with Eve. But I didn’t like the way he was looking at her. “You and Kev?”

Plates and cups clatter to the floor as she sputters. “What?” she gasps.

“He asked me to tell you to call him sometime,” I murmur. “Wants to give you another chance. Tell me, little sister, are you dating Kev and Daddy Dearest?”

“I—I’m not dating Kevin,” she hisses, frantically looking around, probably making sure no one is close enough to hear. I let out a low laugh and watch as she drops down to pick up the fallen items.

I could help her, but I won’t.

Why would I when she looks so good on her knees?

The room quiets down, and I glance around again. Apart from Isaac and Oli, it’s empty. Everyone cleared out quickly, not that there had been that many people to begin with.

“How many other guys have you dated?” I ask, mostly to taunt her, but also because I really want to know. I shouldn’t give a shit but it's like an ache, clawing and throbbing at my chest incessantly. “Marcus?” She looks up at me from the floor, fire burning in her eyes.

“How do you know Marcus?” she spits, her eyes narrowing.

“Small place,” I shrug, trying to ignore the way she so easily becomes defensive about the guy. “I heard his name.”

She nods as she stands, still looking suspicious. A long, weighted silence pulses between us, filling the space so severely, I’m practically choking on it.

Finally, she glances at me from the corner of her eye. “I don’t date.”

I scoff. “Sure.”

“What?” She drops the stuff on the table and turns to me, looking annoyed. “I don’t.”

“You’re telling me you haven’t fucked anyone since—” I cut myself off, the words dying on my tongue. She stares at me for a beat longer, her lips pressed into a thin line.

“Fucking isn’t dating.”

She’s right. It’s not. I haven’t dated a single person in my entire life, her included. Because what Eve and I were was beyond that. It was everything. It was nothing. It was confusing.
