Page 144 of Sin With Me

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“I have to go,” he breathes, shaking his head. “Just be good.”

I watch as he turns on his heel, his shoulders tense. My breath whooshes out of me when I can’t see him anymore.

I can’t believe he wants me to call the cops on Ro. I’d never do that. I may not know him anymore, not like I did, but I still trust him. Even if he is a total dick, he wouldn’t hurt me.


No. What am I talking about? This is Roman. Of course he’d never hurt me.

Not physically, at least.

Before another thought can filter through my frantic mind, Isaac is back in the kitchen, rushing toward me, his bags not in his hands anymore.

“Isaac,” I gasp. It’s cut off when he crushes his lips against mine, his arms holding me tightly to his chest as he ravishes my mouth with his.

My body slumps against him, my arms wrapping around his neck to hold me up. But as quickly as he came, he pulls away again, breathing heavily. He presses another light kiss to my lips before murmuring, “Remember who you belong to, temptress.”

When I got back from Mammoth late last night, Isaac was gone and Eve was holed up in her bedroom. She didn’t bother coming out for dinner, and I didn’t bother checking on her. She’s an adult. If she was hungry, she could fend for herself.

But it felt weird to act like I was alone in this place.

I still haven’t been to my room. I don’t know if I want to see what they’ve done with it. If they’ve cleared all my shit out and turned it into an office for Isaac, or maybe a darkroom for Eve’s photos.

Not that I’ve seen her take a single photo since being back.

She still hasn’t come out of her bedroom today, and it’s past noon. I heard the shower running this morning, so I know she’s at least alive. Maybe she’s upset about Isaac leaving, but this isn’t her. Moping and staying in bed all day because of a guy?

Even when she had that awful first kiss with Tommy McKinney and was so upset she was nearly in tears over it, she didn’t sulk in her bedroom. That was always what I did. Not her.

She kept moving through her day. She sat at the lake, in the sun, and was upset, but she didn’t wallow. Maybe it’s because Tommy McKinney was just a dumb kid, a guy who gave her a terrible first kiss and he meant nothing to her.

Isaac—Isaac means something. As much as I hate to fucking admit it, she cares about my father. Loves him, probably.

And why wouldn’t she? She loves everything. She’s sunshine and innocence. Hot summer days and golden smiles. Of course, she’d give Isaac her warmth. Her light.

But he’ll do this to her. Turn her into a cold, dark shell of the girl I once knew. The girl I loved. Even if this is just the beginning of her becoming a husk of her former self, he’s going to destroy her.

I know it.

He destroys everything.

Having had enough, I push to my feet, determined to get her to leave her fucking bedroom and at least eat something. She can’t do this for two weeks. I can’t do it for two weeks.

My footsteps are loud in the silent house as I stomp my way through the house, ignoring the pull my closed up bedroom has on me, and bring my hand up to bang on her door.

I pause when I hear her voice. It’s a soft, lilting sound, so different from when she talks at church, or even to Isaac. To me.

But it’s familiar.


It’s the voice she uses when she’s camming, tired and dreamy, but still warm and full of life.

Full of lust.

It’s not overly produced, like you know she’s putting on a show. Somehow, it’s intimate, like she’s speaking directly to you, to your soul. And it makes you feel seen in the way only Eve can see you. Even if her face isn’t in the camera, she brings warmth to her content.

The warmth of a girl who’s so desperate to make people happy that she’ll kill herself in the process.
