Page 149 of Sin With Me

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My eyes flutter closed and I reach between my thighs, remembering I have a show to put on. I have to finish, so I can escape.

When I blink open again, it’s to the sight of Roman standing just a few feet before me, his phone in one hand, his jean-covered cock in the other.

“Say something,” he mouths, a devilish smirk on his too handsome face. My jaw ticks even as my nipples begin to throb, aching for something, anything.

I flick my gaze to the computer screen, finding another slew of requests and comments. The primary ones are from Daddy555, like usual. He’s insistent, but the reminder that I’m supposed to be performing helps me stay in the moment.

“Fuck,” I moan, rubbing my clit. My fingers tremble when I realize how wet I am, even as my chest begins to ache. This is fifty shades of fucked up. “I’m so wet for you.”

When I say it, my eyes snap to Roman’s against my will, just in time to see his glaze over with pleasure. I swallow dryly, unable to tear my gaze away. But he’s not focusing on me, he’s focusing on his phone. Is he watching my livestream when I’m right here in front of him?

Then, my eyes go wide.




What if he’s telling someone? What if he’s telling Isaac? He wouldn’t do that, would he? Tattle on me?


I moan loudly, my fingers sliding down further toward my entrance. His golden-green eyes flit to mine, just like I knew they would.

“What are you doing?” I mouth, jerking my chin to his phone. My heart is in my throat as I watch his grin grow, his expression shifting from turned-on and irritated to something I can only describe as cocky assurance.

Slowly, so fucking slowly, he turns his phone to face me. His thumb hovers over what’s clearly a still image of me.

I blink rapidly, my brain trying to process what I’m seeing. He presses play as he crouches, his body still out of the shot, but his face close enough to mine that I can hear him softly whisper, “I’ve got you now, sweetheart.”

The last word is a venom-filled hiss, but I’m too busy trying to stay upright, to avoid passing out from panic to care.

Because on Roman’s tiny screen isn’t just my live feed, it’s me.

Me from his view from the doorway to my childhood bedroom. There’s nothing hidden, no secrets, no clever angles.

Just my face, my body, my toys, my show, my room.


My eyes flit from the screen to him and back again. I’m laughing with my viewers, moaning for them, playing with my clit, showing them my ass. It’s a performance and there is no denying who’s behind it all.

The room spins as genuine terror overtakes my body, and my voice, no matter how much I try to stop it, trembles as I breathe, “Wh-what—”

Roman smirks and tugs his phone back. His free hand comes up to my frozen face and traces my jaw, his touch so soft I almost mistake it for kindness. But then, he grips my chin hard enough that I know it’ll bruise. I want to pull away. I want to fight, to scream, but I’m frozen. Stuck immobile in his beautiful, deadly stare.

“Here’s what’s going to happen, little sister,” he whispers, tugging me further out of frame. “You’re going to fuck yourself for everyone to see, including me. You’re going to keep going until you come, and when you do, you’re going to scream my name.”

I balk at that, finally finding my strength and sense to tear my head away. “Like hell I am,” I hiss, shaking my head as I push back onto my haunches. Leaning forward, I smash the mute button, ignoring the live for a second.

Roman pushes to his feet and shrugs too casually before turning to his phone again. He messes with it for a second, then flips it back to me. On the screen is the video he took of me, but it’s sitting idle in a text box, waiting to be sent. Vomit fills my throat when I catch the receiver's name.


“You wouldn’t dare,” I snarl, my voice cracking.

Roman grins, pocketing his phone. “Do what I said and I won’t,” he says, as though he doesn’t hold my entire fate in his big, tattooed hands. “But make no mistake. One slip up, one bitchy move, and your entire world will come crashing down around you. The whole world will see the face of Goldengirl69.”
