Page 154 of Sin With Me

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His face is red, but his expression’s unreadable.

Unable to speak or move, I stay locked in his orbit, his commanding gaze. Roman’s that powerful. He doesn’t need to tell me what to do with words. He can rule me with just a look, just a flick of his tattooed wrist.


I pull away, falling back onto my haunches as a potent blush stings my cheeks. What the fuck did I just do?

His smirk is slow and feral as he tucks his still-hard cock away. With a shrug, he steps back.

“What a waste,” he scoffs, shooting me a disgusted look. “That wasn’t even worth the fucking subscription fee.”

Wind whips at my face as I peddle down Main Street, heading for The Crispy Biscuit across town. Oli invited me to lunch, and after the incident with Roman yesterday, I need an excuse to get out of the house.

He’s not home today. Said he had a job and client to get to, whatever that meant. I hadn’t thought about his job when he came back. His boss must be very understanding to let him come and go as he pleases. Maybe he’s his own boss. He’s too much of an asshole to have a job and not get fired immediately because of his terrible fucking personality.

My hands grip the handlebars tighter, the thick plastic digging into my palms. Why am I doing this? Forcing myself to think about him? After yesterday, he made it clear what he thinks of me and it’s not good. He doesn’t respect me. Hell, I don’t think he even likes me. But he won’t leave and I don’t know why.

And now, he knows my secret. Not just that, he holds my fate in his phone. One stupid video could ruin me. Why did I have to taunt him? Challenge him?

Before, just him knowing about Isaac and me was enough to put me on edge, but now, he can completely destroy me. He knows too much about me. He’s holding too much over my head for me to ever feel a moment’s peace again.

And I don’t know anything about him.

Sometimes it feels like I never did. But then I think about everything we shared, the secret midnight meetings, and sitting too close on my bed while we read from the same book. When he finally let me have a glimpse into that mind of his, I felt like I was finally seeing him. But now, we’re back to being strangers. Now, it’s like all the memories I have are just a mirage, like they never happened. Like we never happened.

I pull up outside of the café, and when I don’t immediately spot Oli’s little car in the parking lot, I sigh. It’s the only one covered in bumper stickers and multi-colored dyed seats inside. It’s impossible to miss.

She told me to meet her at two, so here I am, but where is she? I swear, she’d be late to meet God. I snicker at the thought. She’d purposefully be late, just to keep the man upstairs waiting. To show him some humility, she’d probably say.

Sighing, I park my bike at the metal rack and make my way inside. The hustle and bustle of the little café does something to calm my racing heart.

After Roman left my room last night, my viewers went crazy trying to figure out who the mystery man was. But it wasn’t like I could tell them it was my asshole stepbrother. I couldn’t tell them anything, so I just wiped as much of his cum off my face as I could and wrapped up the stream.

When I came out into the living room, he was gone. I don’t know where he went, and I don’t care. He could’ve drowned in the lake for all I care. After that stunt, he’s lucky I didn’t lock him out of the fucking house.

Instead, I just stayed in my room until he texted me that he had to go to work this morning. How courteous of him, to let me know his whereabouts. It was probably a taunt to let me know I could cam in peace.

I didn’t put much thought into it, too caught up in the realization that after all these years, he still had my phone number memorized.

His was different, though.

I should know. Since the night Roman left, I’ve sent hundreds of texts that have gone unanswered. Almost every single day, I’ve reached out. At one point, I received an automatic reply that his number had been disconnected.

But he…

He had my number.

He could have called, he could have reached out, and he didn’t. Not until now. Why?

It seems to be a constant question in my mind these days.

I click my tongue. Men suck.

“Hey, Eve,” Cassie, the hostess, calls as I walk in. I smile brightly, bringing my hand up to wipe the sweat from my brow.

“Hey,” I say with a wave. “Can we get a table outside? I’m waiting for Oli.” She nods happily as she grabs a couple menus, and leads me through the little restaurant.

“So, I heard Roman’s back in town,” she says conversationally. My jaw clenches at the sound of his name. “Is Chase with him?”
