Page 186 of Sin With Me

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“Don’t you need a weapon or something?” she whispers, as if the person lurking outside is in the house with us. Shit, maybe they are.

I need to keep her safe.

The thought of her in danger, again, makes my blood boil.

“Wait,” she breathes, her cool hand sliding down my forearm before tightening around my wrist. Reluctantly, I pause. I want to get outside and hunt this fucker down. I want to rip him apart. I want to—

“What the fuck are you doing?” I whisper-shout, watching as she tosses my phone onto the couch and grabs the poker by the fireplace.

“What’s it look like?” she shoots back, her voice just as hushed. “You need to protect yourself.”

“And that’s your idea of a weapon?”

“It’s better than nothing,” she grumbles, and I shake my head.

“My bare hands are better than that fucking thing.”

“Conceited, are we?” She scoffs as she falls into step beside me. I don’t even bother trying to push her back. She’s too stubborn to listen.

The warm, humid night air wraps around us as we walk outside. She plasters herself against me as we move to the edge of the porch, slowly taking the steps down until we hit the grass. I’m on high alert, looking for anyone who might be trying to hurt us—hurt her.

Something crunches, and my head whips to the side. “Did you hear that?” she whispers.

“Shh.” Her arm snakes through mine, her body trembling harder than before. “Go inside.” She just shakes her head, that damn poker swinging from her other hand with every step.

There’s a loud splash, and my head snaps to the other side, toward the lake. She lets out a small squeak as I drag her with me across the yard. I should probably feel scared. I should feel anything other than annoyed and pissed off.

But Eve lets out a quiet whimper, and my anger fucking spikes.

I know it's probably just an animal, a bird more than likely, but it was loud enough for her to hear inside and scary enough to make her come to me, despite our fight.

Which makes it my problem.

As we storm toward the lake, her reluctant to follow, a head dips under the water. I blink once, twice, wondering if I’m seeing shit but then, Eve inhales a sharp breath. My spine stiffens. She definitely saw that, too.

A yellow glowing light illuminates the water from below, and my steps falter.

What the fuck is that?

“Go inside,” I snarl, shoving her behind me, not giving a shit about her stubbornness anymore.

“I’m staying with you,” she mutters, tightening her arm around mine.

“Goddamnit, Goldie,” I hiss, running a hand through my hair as we fall into a silent glare-off.

Splashes in the water drag my attention from her and I shuffle forward, unsure of what to do. I can’t leave Eve alone, and I can’t jump in the lake. But I can’t let whoever it is get away—

“Oh my God,” she breathes. I glance at Eve over my shoulder, finding her eyes wide. “Do you think it’s—”

“Marcus?” I interrupt, because yeah, that was definitely my first thought when she said she heard someone.

I didn’t tell her how deep his obsession with her went. Didn’t tell her the shit he spewed in the church, how fucked in the head he is. But I wouldn’t put it past him to show up here in the dead of night.

If it’s him…I fucking swear to—

Eve pauses and her brows crash together in surprise.

“What? No, why would it be Marcus? Do you think it’s a robber? Or a drug addict? Oh, God, what did Oli say?” Her eyes go frantic, her hand tightening on my arm. “What if they’re on dexies, Roman? Or snow? Or—or—what was the other?” She looks out at the lake again, the poker twirling recklessly in her hand. She’s about to stab herself with it if she’s not careful. “Moon rocks!”
