Page 190 of Sin With Me

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He lets out a low chuckle and leans to his side, his eyes narrowed on me. I track his movements as he slips his hand into his back pocket and slowly pulls his wallet out. My stomach coils at the sight, and I swallow thickly.

“Not exactly,” he murmurs. His deft fingers spread his wallet apart before dipping inside and pulling a bill out. My heart hammers in my chest as I watch him flick it, letting the hundred float to the ground. He doesn’t move from his lounging position as he jerks his chin to the money. “Pick it up.”

My eyes snap to his.

A gasp spills from my lips, my hands balling into fists across my chest. “No.”

What the hell?

I’m not picking money up off the floor, money that he’s dropped for me. Fuck no. That’s…thats…

That’s one of the most degrading things I’ve ever been told to do and it’s so much worse because it’s him.

Another dark laugh falls from his lips before he pulls a few more bills out. They scatter on the sacred ground at his feet, between his spread legs, and he smiles. “How about now?”

My mouth goes dry as I take in the money, flitting from bill to bill. The colors are bright, the paper crisp, as though they’re fresh from the press. No, from the bank.

He pulled money out…for this.

A lot of money. It’s close to a thousand dollars, some twenties, some hundreds, all mine, if I just pick them up.

I hesitate, my foot shuffling forward a step without permission.

Can I do it?

I’ve had men degrade me, humiliate me, spew vile shit at me, but this? This has to be the worst.

And I’m actually considering it.

What is wrong with me?

My eyes flutter closed and I fight the impulse to rub the space between my brows as a headache forms. His words from the other day fill my mind, swirling at a chaotic speed, matching my heart rate.

What happened to your map, Eve? Where are the pins? The pictures? I thought you were going to travel. You had dreams.

What happened to you?

What happened to you?

The answer is, I have no fucking clue. I meant what I said that day. I can’t just leave. It’s not that simple, no matter how badly I wish it were. I can’t drop everything and go travel the world. I can’t give up my life here, a life of steady contentment and safety for a world of what-ifs.

Can I?

I step toward the closest bill, my hand itching to reach down and grab it. It’s easy money. Probably the easiest I’ve ever made.

It would do so much. Get me so much closer to my goal. And with the income I lost from Marcus…

I swallow thickly.

Just do it. He’s giving it to you. He wants you to have it.

Just take it.

My fingers twitch as my gaze rises to Roman’s again. He’s still watching me, reclined like a dark god, a mouth-watering, infuriating grin on his face. His chin dips in a small nod, encouraging me to do it.

Do it.

“Come on, Evie,” he murmurs, drawing me into his dark orbit. “Sin with me.”
