Page 221 of Sin With Me

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That can’t happen.

So, I quickly look away from the closed door and grit my teeth against the next lash, keeping my cries to myself.

He huffs a laugh, the sound so cold, so terrifying, it sends shivers down my aching spine. “No one’s coming for you, boy. They’ll be at the church for another hour.” I swallow thickly. “Exactly where you should have been. You represent this family. How do you think it makes me look when my own son can’t show up to support his father, huh? How do you think that makes your stepmother look?” I grit my teeth at his words. “Why can’t you be more like Eve? She’s so good, so polite. Everyone loves her.”

Bile pools in my throat.

He’s right.

They’ve only lived with us for a few months and the entire town is already obsessed with my stepsister and her mom. They’re perfect, happy and kind. They’re good Christians.

Unlike me.

“No punishment seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Again and again.

I don’t know how long it goes on but by the time he’s done, I’m a shell of the person I slowly started to become in the last few months.

Soft, padding footsteps pull Isaac’s touch from me, and it’s like I can suddenly breathe again. Inhaling deeply, I turn my attention toward the entrance of the kitchen, finding Eve coming to an abrupt stop.

My eyes rake over her, taking in her clothes. Black leggings, an oversized tee, and a chunky knit cardigan. Fuzzy cream socks cover her feet, her blonde hair twisted into a clip at the back of her head, pieces falling out around her face.

She looks comfy, but I know her better. She’s struggling, barely hanging on by a fucking thread. Even if she doesn’t know it, I do. I see her, just like I always have.

She flicks her blue gaze between us, her eyes narrowing. “What’s going on?”

“I thought you were at tutoring,” Isaac says, his voice as casual as ever. My teeth grit together at the sound. How can he do that? Pretend like he wasn’t just trying to make me spiral further into the darkness I’ve spent my entire life trying to claw my way out of?

Eve rubs the spot between her brows as she lets out a long breath. Dark smudges are under her eyes, her face pale. “Clover didn’t show up again,” she mutters, shaking her head. “Willa won’t answer when I call. I don’t know what to do.”

Guilt twists my stomach at her words. I still haven’t told her about staying in the hospital with Chase and Clover. I can’t. She won’t fucking talk to me.

“Well, maybe she’s sick, or Willa’s busy,” Isaac says dismissively. “Give her some time.” She nods, her smile watery as she lifts her gaze to him. But then it falls to me, and I swallow thickly. “Is that Chinese?” She points at the plate at her spot and I clear my throat.

“Thought we could have something different for dinner tonight,” Isaac says, interrupting me. My head whips to the side, glaring up at him as he grabs a plate from the cabinet. “Have a seat, sweetheart.”

She looks as stunned as I am pissed as she hesitates forward a step. “But you hate Chinese food,” she breathes, and he shakes his head, an infuriating grin on his face.

“I don’t hate it,” he mutters. “I just prefer…” He trails off as he looks in each container. “Oh, I forgot your drink. There’s tea in the fridge.”

I watch as he picks the broccoli from the broccoli beef and loads his plate with it before spooning the plain steamed rice next to it. He searches through the food, looking for more vegetables, his lips pursing into a thin line as he picks out the carrots and onions from other dishes.

“I got the food,” I grit out, and he nods.

“Yeah, I appreciate you picking it up for me,” Isaac says dismissively, letting the lie roll right off his tongue. My mouth opens and closes a few times, too stunned to say a damn thing.

What would be the point of arguing with him? Of trying to prove to Eve that it was me, not him, who got all her favorite foods?

Eve sinks into her chair, her eyes on her plate. I stare at her, willing her to look at me. To just fucking glance at me. But she doesn’t.

Tension ripples off us as Isaac makes his way to his seat, sitting in it like a throne. He settles in, his back straight and shoulders squaring. “Shall we pray?” He smiles at Eve, one she returns.

It’s like I’m not even in the fucking room.

Clearing my throat, I force myself to lounge back, letting my legs fall apart. I fold my arms over my chest, a sarcastic grin spreading across my face.

“Pray?” I scoff. “Since when?”
