Page 224 of Sin With Me

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“Where were you when that was happening?” she asks, her eyes raking over me in a way that tells me she thinks I’m nothing but trash.

My eyes flit to Isaac’s just as he looks away, his jaw ticking, fists clenching, but I swear, he leans in ever so slightly like he’s also waiting for the answer.

Memories of the party, of Nikki, of Roman, flit through my mind, and I shake my head, forcing them away. I can’t think about that, not now, not ever. But it’s impossible to stop the assault of images.

“I’m sorry,” I breathe, my head lowering. “I left her alone for only—”

“You left her alone so you could party and do whatever the hell you were doing!” Willa shouts. “You care more about yourself than you did my daughter.”

“Please, Ms. Willa,” I plead. “That wasn’t my intention—”

“I don’t care!” she shrieks. “I had to drive all the way to Mammoth in the middle of the night and I didn’t get paid. The only saving grace is that her bills were paid—though I can’t begin to imagine why. Otherwise, I would’ve been out thousands there, too.”

“I understand.” I drop my eyes to the floor again. “I’m sorry.”

Isaac clears his throat, drawing her attention away from me. She’s still fuming, riding an edge of fury I can only imagine. But Isaac willingly stepping into her line of fire for me has me breathing a little easier.

“I’m sorry Clover made the choices she did,” Isaac says, and my eyes snap to him, finding him closer. His comforting presence settles my wildly beating heart. “But Eve can’t be held responsible for the decisions your daughter made. I wish she would’ve made better ones, but what’s done is done. Now, if you need help, we’ll do what we can. But if you’re just here to berate her, I think it’s time for you to leave.”

Fresh tears brim my eyes and it takes all I have to stay where I am, to not jump over a pew and run to him, to throw myself in his arms. He stares calmly at Willa, waiting for her response.

“I’m pulling Clover out of tutoring,” she says primly, lifting her chin. My attention snaps back to her.

“What?” I shake my head, moving forward. “You can’t—”

“We understand,” Isaac interrupts, but I shake my head again, unwilling to understand why Willa would take Clover out of tutoring when she needs it. She needs me. She’s not ready to leave. I’m not ready for her to go.


Willa shoots me a withering glare that has me shrinking back. The words dance on my lips. Don’t take her out. I’ll do better. But she turns on her heel with a hmph, and I watch her go.

I just…

I stare at her as she walks through our small church, her head held high, her hand clutching her black purse. She doesn’t look back. She just leaves.

A sob spills from my lips, the tears finally falling. I failed Clover. I let her down. I know how badly she needed tutoring, not just because she needed help with math, but because she needed an excuse to get out of that house, and now…

“We have to help her,” I cry, wiping my cheek with my fingers. “We can’t let her take Clover out completely. Can you—” Isaac’s hand lands on my back and I lean into his touch. “Can you talk to her? I’ll do what I can to prove myself. I just—she needs—”

“It’s going to be okay, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice a soft, soothing caress. I nod as I lean my forehead against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent.

Even though I really want to sob and break down and let everything out I’ve been holding in, I don’t let myself. Not yet. Not here at church. Instead, I take a deep breath, pulling myself together as I look up at him.

“There’s my girl,” he murmurs, making my heart skip a beat. He tucks my hair behind my ear, and I melt.

“You mean that?” I whisper. “I’m really your girl?” His smile is soft, it’s sweet, as he stares back at me.

“Of course. You’ve always been my girl.”

My hand rests on his chest, and he stiffens slightly as he looks around. “Not here, but tonight—”

“Or we can go now,” I breathe, my body coiling tighter. “We can come back later and finish. Please.” I can’t hide the whine in my voice as I press my body closer to his.

His jaw tenses as he looks around the empty church again, then his hand wraps around mine and he pulls me after him.

The quick truck ride from the church to the house is frantic, the energy between us buzzing with anticipation. And, as soon as we step inside, his hands are on me, groping and pawing at my oversized dress, sliding the cardigan off my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor.

His lips find mine in a frenzied kiss, and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer. “I missed you,” I breathe.
