Page 231 of Sin With Me

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Robert hisses.

The goat nibbles on my thigh and I swear I hear a tiny squeak from the carrier at Oli’s feet.

It’s been like this since we left Divinity and I wish I had it in me to laugh at the chaos, but I don’t. I have nothing left besides bone-deep exhaustion and all I can think about is sleeping.

“Where are they?” she mutters to herself, ignoring me.

The animal pulls harder and its beady little eyes are daring me to tattle. My gaze flicks to Oli, finding her digging through her silver metallic backpack. The buttons and pins glimmer in the hall light and her rainbow-colored keychain with text written on it captures my attention.

Think Happy.

My throat burns and I look away.

If only it were that easy.

“Ah ha!” she cries, yanking a set of keys from her bag and holding them above her head like a trophy.

Seconds later, the door clicks open and Oli bursts through it like she owns the place. The birds come tumbling in after her in a jumbled mess of leashes and bags. I trudge forward, Potato at my side.

“Mama’s home, bitches!” She kicks the door shut with the heel of her combat boot, emphasizing her battle cry.

I gape at her, my cheeks burning as I try to disappear behind a massive potted plant that looks like it belongs outside. I peek through the leaves, taking in the loft. Shock washes over me.

This is where Roman lives?

From the outside, it looks like a huge industrial warehouse in the center of Mammoth. It fits in with the urban downtown, blending in with surrounding buildings, hiding in plain sight. I had no idea it was a home until I was dragged through the halls and up to the top floor.

With brick walls, dark stained floors, and floor-to-ceiling windows, it looks more fitting of a magazine spread than a bachelor pad. The floating loft with a metal railing that’s suspended over the living room is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I twist my hands together, itching to explore, but I stay rooted to the spot.

I’m surprised by how pretty it is. The decorations are dark and masculine, but with the uncovered windows and insane amount of houseplants, it doesn’t feel oppressive.

It feels warm.

It feels like a home.

“Go on, babies,” Oli coos, pulling my attention from the loft and back to her. She unstraps Robert from his baby carrier on her chest and sets him on the floor. “Make yourselves at home.”

He takes a hesitant sniff of the concrete beneath his creepy toes and wiggles excitedly, his red crocheted sweater shifting with the movement.

I bite my lip.

Christ, even the possum is happy.

Just as Oli’s freeing the birds from their leashes, a door slams somewhere in the house. Feet thud against the floor and from my place behind the plant, I watch as Chase slides across the slick surface in nothing but boxers and socks.

“Woah!” Oli shouts, shielding her eyes with a gag. “Cover yourself, Chase! I don’t want to see your wang-a-lang!”

“If you don’t want to see my wang-a-lang, don’t barge into my house at midnight!” he bellows back, hands flailing in the air. “Why are you—holy shit. Is that a duck? Oh my god, it is! Your duck is shitting on my new rug! It’s from Anthropology, Olive!”

I take in their bickering from my hiding spot, thankful for the black hoodie and leggings Oli let me borrow. Something bumps my leg and I glance down, seeing the pygmy goat munching on the plant happily.

“It’s not my fault you spend your riches on stupid junk!” she shouts back, her hands flailing blindly in the air, looking so much like Chase, it’s almost funny. “If you don’t want him to shit on your rug, don’t get a rug!”

Chase gapes at her, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly. It makes my lip twitch and I briefly consider stepping out from behind the plant and being the brave woman my parents raised me to be. Before I can, another sound sends me shrinking further into the shadows.

“What the hell is going on out here?” a deep voice grunts seconds before the biggest man I’ve ever seen ambles from the hall. He’s covered in tattoos from nearly head to toe, but all I see is the giant dick barely concealed by his boxer briefs.

Holy shit, that’s insane.
