Page 235 of Sin With Me

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“Oh, for fucks sake,” Kon mutters under his breath.

“Therapists, too, right?” she asks, cuddling the mouse to her chest. I cringe, leaning back in my chair as it turns its beady little eyes on me.

He gulps. “Therapists?”

He sounds so lost and worried. I’d feel bad for him, but he put himself in this position.

She bobs her head, running a finger down the white ball's head. “For the trauma.”

Chase bites his lip, his sharp jaw pulsing wildly. “Of course.”

Oli grins, leaning in with excitement. “Tell me more.”

“More?” he chokes out, his face paling. He gives me a pleading look, but I just shrug. He flips me off and I barely stifle a laugh before it slips free. I tuck my smiling lips between my teeth and send a silent thank you to whoever’s listening when my phone chooses that exact second to go off.

He continues to weave the web that’ll inevitably hang him as I slide my phone from the pocket of my borrowed hoodie. All the humor and lightness I’d finally found disappears like it was never there.


My eyes burn and I blink rapidly as I silence the call and shove my phone back into my pocket. I hadn’t heard from either of them since I left, and I’d been thankful for it.

I am thankful for it.

What would I even say?

Part of me is worried I overreacted. It’s the same part that knows Roman and Isaac care about me. That they’d never do anything to hurt me, not intentionally. They’d been lost to the moment, in the intensity of it all, their hurt and anger for each other.

I’d been caught in the middle.

Like always.

But they love me.

And I know they do.

They have to. Otherwise, what was it all for? Why would they string me along? Just for the fun of it? To watch me fall? To hurt me?

Even when Roman was gone, I know he loved me. Maybe not the way he should have or used to, but he did love me. Because I loved him. Maybe I still do. Maybe I’ll never stop.

And Isaac has always put me first. Always made sure I had food to eat and a house to live in. Always took me under his wing and made sure I was safe and healthy.

But a bigger part of me knows that despite all that, they still hurt me. They still used me, ignored me, forgot about me. They didn’t stop. Even when I was begging Roman, and trying to get away from Isaac, they didn’t stop.

And that’s what breaks my heart the most.

A hand on my forearm shakes me from my thoughts, and I choke on the air in my lungs. I look up to find all three of them staring at me.

God, I just want to disappear.

“You okay?” Oli murmurs, her eyes soft and open, ready for anything I’ll say or need, just like always.

I take a deep breath, pushing away the crushing pain deep in my chest and nod, plastering another fake grin on my face. “Everything’s fine.”

Chase gives me a sympathetic smile. “That’s good.”

“It’s bullshit,” Kon scoffs.

I jolt in my seat, my head snapping to face him. I don’t even know Kon but the vitriol, the disgust in his dark eyes as he glares at me, is enough to have me withering in my seat.
