Page 270 of Sin With Me

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I scream, the sound echoing around us as my grip on his hair tightens. My legs clamp around his head, my hips grinding against his mouth as I ride out the last of my orgasm.


And again.

Just like he promised.

He doesn’t stop until I’ve fallen back to the dock, my chest heaving, my skin coated in sweat as I stare up at the bright sunny sky.

Water splashes, then he’s lying beside me. I snuggle into his side, sighing at the comforting weight as he rests his arm around my shoulders. His wet body soothes my heated skin, but it’s his scent, even beneath the lake water, that calms me. My head shifts further onto his chest, and my eyes close as I listen to the steady beat of his heart.

He kisses the top of my head, letting his lips linger, and for the first time in forever, I feel…good. Content.


“I’m so sorry for leaving, Eve,” he murmurs. I squeeze my eyes tighter, trying to hold on to the fleeting moment.

“But you came back,” I rasp.

His arm tightens, holding me closer. “I was always coming back for you.”

It’s the undeniable promise in his voice that has another layer of hurt slowly dissolving on the afternoon breeze.

Silence fills the empty space for so long I feel myself begin to drift. But then his voice stirs me awake again. “Hey, Goldie?”

“Yeah, Ro?”

“Will you go on a date with me?”

Bright lights, salty, nutty popcorn, sweet funnel cakes, kids screaming, families laughing, couples kissing.

The carnival.

I sigh as I take everything in again. I can’t remember the last time I went to a carnival. And when Roman asked me on a date, this was the last place I thought he’d take me.

It was supposed to be just us, but when we rounded a corner, we came face-to-face with Chase, Kon, and Oli.

And Robert.

I was surprised they let Oli bring Robert in with her, but he’d been on the ferris wheel and apparently loved it. He also went feral for the funnel cakes and cotton candy.

Roman grumbled about it not just being us anymore, and while a part of me thought it was sweet, another part was worried he wanted to keep things a secret. I’m not even sure where we stand with each other right now. A date doesn’t really mean anything, does it? People go on dates all the time; it doesn’t mean there’s anything between them.

Every time hope swells in my chest, I stomp it down. I can’t get hurt. Not again.

My heart keeps telling me Roman is here to stay, that he won’t leave again, that he won’t hurt me again. But my mind is telling me the opposite. That he’s not the commitment type of guy.

“Goldie?” Roman nudges me and I blink, pulling myself from my spiral. I glance at him, smiling as I tuck my hair behind my ear. “You okay?”

“Fine,” I laugh, shaking my head dismissively. “There’s so much going on. It’s overwhelming.”

What happened to the space you carved out for yourself, coward?

One day at a time.

His face softens in understanding. “We can go,” he murmurs, moving closer. “If it’s too much, I’ll take you somewhere else.”

“It’s okay.” I give him another tight-lipped smile as we make our way through the thick crowd of people.
