Page 293 of Sin With Me

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Weaving in and out of traffic, I make it to the highway toward Divinity and press on the gas. The engine rumbles louder as I speed down the road.

“South Baptist Union Ministry, training department,” a woman answers, her voice soft and accent thick. “This is Darla.”

“Hey, Darla,” I say, trying to keep my voice light despite the panic clawing inside my gut. “I need a favor.” She’s silent for a long moment before primly clearing her throat.

“Yes, sir?”

“I need to speak to Isaac Payne.” I grit my teeth, inhaling slowly as I pull out the big guns. “I’m his son and there’s an emergency at home. Is he around?” Fuck, the word tastes like acid on my tongue.

More silence.

Dread coils tighter.

“Isaac Payne?” she repeats slowly, and I grunt my confirmation, my mouth suddenly too dry. “Just a moment.” There’s a click, and my hand tightens around the phone as silence fills the line.




Seconds later, she’s back. “Sir?”

“Yes?” I croak.

“Mr. Payne hasn’t attended this conference in over two years,” she murmurs, a note of something I can’t understand in her voice. “He was kicked off the board for breaking various conduct and regulation rules, and hasn’t been allowed back.”

“Not there,” the words tumble from my lips and I swallow roughly. “You’re sure?”

She clears her throat and lowers her voice. “To be quite honest with you, sir, it’s incredibly unlikely he’ll ever be allowed on our premises again with conduct violations like these.”

Roaring fills my ears.

He’s not there.

He’s not there.

He’s in Divinity, with Eve.

He’s with Eve.

“Sir? Are you still there?”

“Thank you,” I rasp, my voice barely audible.

My body begins trembling with a mixture of anxiety, dread, and rage. Before Darla can say another word, I hang up and try Eve again.

No answer.

“Fuck!” I shout, slamming my hand against the steering wheel. I press harder on the gas, and dodge around people, ignoring their honking as I pass them.

Why did she leave?

Why wouldn’t she tell me?

Probably because she knew I wouldn’t want her to come. Not alone, at least. So she decided to just come without telling me.

I saw the fucking rice in her floorboards. I know what kind of punishment he gave her. What is he doing this time? This was a lot fucking worse than throwing a stupid party. This was her running away, defying him, ignoring him, for over a month.
