Page 308 of Sin With Me

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“I knew that’d pique your interest,” she mumbles. “Sweet tea? It’s your favorite.”

When was the last time I had tea? Or anything besides a few sips of water?

“I could sneak some of Ro’s cigarettes if you’re in the mood to rebel.”

I barely scrunch my nose at her. I don’t want to smoke. I still can’t believe Roman hasn’t quit yet. I tried to get him to stop but I don’t think the man listens to me or anyone.

I can’t blame him.

What’s the use?

“Or I could find us some wacky tobacky.” She wiggles her brows, and my lips barely twitch. “I saw that!” She points at me, a broad grin splitting her face. “You smiled!”

I didn’t.

Did I?

“Wanna watch something?” she asks, and I blink at her. “No? Okay. Wanna bake something? We can make a huge mess and watch Kon get that wild tic by his eye. He really should get that checked by a doctor.”

She’s right. He probably should.

“We could put googly eyes on all of Chase’s weights and see how long it takes him to notice.” I take a deep breath, but even that feels like it was too much work. Her smile slowly falls, her eyes losing the little light they had. “When are you gonna talk to me, Evie?”

My body tenses at the sadness in her voice, the way it cracks on my name, the seriousness of her sweet face. The bags under her eyes.


I slide my hand across the bed and rest it on hers.

“How long has it been?” I rasp, my voice hoarse from disuse.

“Eight days,” she whispers, her eyes glossing over.

Eight days.

I’ve spent eight days laying in this bed, in this position. I haven’t moved. I haven’t done anything except what I’ve had to to stay alive. And I probably wouldn’t have even done that if it weren’t for Roman.

His name sends a shudder through my body. He’s been so…so kind. So perfect. He’s taken care of me, and given me space. But he’s been there in ways I didn’t know I even know I needed.

He reads to me from the chair so I don’t feel alone, and sleeps in it until the nightmares come. Then, he lays next to me and hooks our pinkies together as though he knows anything more would be too much.

He’s everything.

And I…

I’m nothing.

“Ro?” I croak, shifting my gaze to the open door, missing him with a depth I didn’t think I’d ever feel again. Did he leave?

“In the living room,” she quickly says as if sensing my panic. “He’ll be in here soon. It’s almost time for him to check on you.” I look back at her, and she shrugs. “He checks on you every fifteen minutes.”

I blink.

Every fifteen minutes?

Fresh tears fill my eyes. “He’s been doing that the entire time?” I whisper, and she nods.

“It was every five minutes for the first few days, but I worked him up to fifteen. It was a fight, though.”
