Page 351 of Sin With Me

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I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute. - Luke 11:49

Hands flexing around the worn leather of the steering wheel, I stare up at the dark house. I shift my fingers for the first time in hours, the joints cracking from disuse. My gaze flits to my phone lying on the seat beside me, and not for the first time, guilt swirls inside my chest.

I should turn it back on. I should let him know I’m okay.

But I can’t.

Not yet.

Not until I do what I’ve come here to do.

The first rays of dawn are ready to kiss the sky, and the world around me holds its breath as if it knows what’s about to happen.

It’s early.

For hours, I drove, and I had only one thing on my mind—Isaac.

Killing him.

Hurting him the way he hurt my Roman.

Somewhere on the long drive, my tears dried and my shock, my aching sadness for the boy who never had a chance, shifted into something fiery. Something full of so much fury, I think I could raze the world to the ground.

No. I know I could.

And I’m about to.

For all the pain he endured. For all the whips, the blood, the tears, the scripture. For everything.

Isaac needs to pay for what he’s done. And I’m willing to die, to lay my life at his feet if it means vengeance for Roman.

For Mama.

For Cami.

For myself.

Fallen leaves crunch under my feet as I stalk toward the house, up the rickety stairs of the porch, and to the splintered front door. I’ve done this so many times, walked this exact path for years, but today it feels different.

The last time I was here, I was violated so brutally I didn’t think I’d ever recover. And I haven’t. Not fully.

But I think this might be the first step.

The doorknob is cold under my hand as I twist it. Unlocked, just like it always is.

He’s too trusting.

Too arrogant.

Too cocky.

He thinks he can get away with everything he’s done and still live in an unlocked house. Still live a peaceful existence.

Too stupid.

Silence greets me as I step inside, the cool air brushing against my face. The soft click of the door shutting behind me is the only sound in the house.

Then I notice it all.
