Page 357 of Sin With Me

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You are all of my beginnings and the only ending I've ever dared let myself dream of.

A sob gets caught in my throat and my eyes burn once more. I bring a fist up to my mouth to silence it, but it’s too late. Chase is freaking out in my ear, yet I don’t hear him either. Not as her words truly set in.

If this short moment with you is all I’ll ever get, just know that loving you was the best part of my existence.

She was saying goodbye.

She was…

She was…

“Chase,” I pant, my chest caving in as I gasp for breath. “Chase, I need you.”

My hands shake harder with every mile that disappears between Eve and I. The conversation with Chase is a blur of broken words and heartfelt promises. By the time I’m done and he’s swearing he’ll take care of everything, I’m throwing myself from the taxi just as the house comes into view. I leave the stack of cash in the backseat and slam the door behind me.

The sound of water lapping at the dock immediately drags me back into a memory that I struggle to shove down, but it’s no use.

Everything is too hard, too confusing, too much.

“Was it your first kiss?” I ask, looking at the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life as she treads in the lake water. My eyes drop to her lips the same way they have for months now. I can’t help it. She’s so pretty. “You know,” I whisper, my heart thudding against my chest. “Your first kiss is supposed to suck. It’s the second one that makes up for it.”

“Really?” she whispers. My head bobs, my face inching closer to hers. “Then I can’t wait for my second kiss.” My lips tip up in a small grin as an adorable blush spreads across her cheeks.

“I can help with that,” I rasp, my hand sliding into her wet hair. “If you want.”

Goldie. Goldie. Goldie.

“How?” My face gets closer and closer, until our breath dances between us.

“Just tell me yes or no,” I whisper. Her eyes flutter shut as my mouth slides over her cheek. “Tell me yes, Goldie.”

Please say yes.


Anger and fear pulse through me until I know nothing else. Anger that this sick fuck stands in the way of Eve and me, of our happily ever after, of everything we’ve worked so hard for. We deserve this. We deserve it. And he—he keeps trying to fucking take it from us.

Fear that I’ll be too late.

Fear that I won’t get to spend my life loving her, being loved by her.

My feet pound against the grass as I pass the tire swing and I stumble, missing a step at the force of another memory.

Rain continues falling, and my knees buckle as I take my first step in hours. I stumble forward, my hand reluctant to let go of the tire swing. Of this place.

Of her.

But I do.

I let go.

Another breath, another memory.

Her lip is bleeding and the sight of her so sad, so hurt, makes me want to go back and kill that motherfucker.

But then, she starts to cry, and nothing else matters but her.

My Goldie.
