Page 66 of Sin With Me

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“Hey,” I murmur, my brows furrowed. I don’t recognize her, but that‘s normal at Chase’s parties.

Her ruby red lips are tipped up, and her eyes are glazed just enough to let me know she’s drunk, but not to the point of being incoherent. She’s aware, but the liquor has made her brave. She’d have to be to talk to me.

“Why are you up here all alone?” she asks, her voice a low purr as she spins a strand of her shoulder-length hair around a finger. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the partiers below. “Don’t you want to be down there with everyone?”

“Obviously not,” I drawl. She stares up at me, her fake-tanned skin glowing under the dim overhead lights. Her dark lashes flutter across her pink cheeks as she giggles.

“Is there something I can do to take that scowl off your face?” She rests her hand on my shoulder, letting it slide down the slick leather covering my arm until it falls back to her side. I clench my jaw at the contact.

I stay silent. I don’t need to indulge her in conversation. She came up here to fuck. That’s what she wants, and you know what? So do I.

I just want to forget about this fucking day and everything Chase told me. And if I can’t drink my life away the way I desperately crave to, I might as well fuck it away.

Not even bothering to look at her, I let my lighter flick once more before releasing the trigger and snapping it shut.

“Get on your knees,” I say, just loud enough for her to hear me. She blinks, but the shock quickly wears off.

“Here?” She glances around, then down at the people beneath us. She doesn’t look turned off by the idea of a house full of strangers watching her get throat fucked.

I step back enough for her to have room to kneel before me as I slip my lighter into my jacket. Her plump lips tip up in a grin as she drops to her knees, uncaring of her bare legs slamming against the harsh flooring.

For a moment, all I notice is the color of her hair. Blonde. It’s distracting, immediately causing my mind to wander. Then she glances up at me, and I see her eyes.

Green. Not blue.

Everything after that trickles in like water moving through oil. Her hair isn’t the right blonde. It’s fake, and too pale, nearing on white. The frizzy ends tell the tale of one too many times spent beneath bleach. Her skin is too orange to be a real tan. And while her tits are nice, they’re not hers.


I need to get my goddamned stepsister out of my head once and for all. How can she still have this much power over me when I haven’t seen her in years?

It pisses me the hell off.

Focusing on the anger roaring through my veins, I rip my jeans open, shoving my boxers down with one hand as I grab the back of her head, wrapping her mocking hair around my opposite fist.

“Suck,” I growl. Her mouth barely opens before I shove deep inside, hitting her throat with the first stroke. My head tips back as she swallows around me.

The woman braces her hands on my thighs, more than likely needing me to be gentler, to slow down, but it only spurs me on. She should have asked for that before. But she didn’t. She came up here knowing who I am. Knowing what I am.

I’m Roman motherfucking Payne—Pyro.

I’m not kind. I’m not sweet and gentle. I’m not anything more than the rumors have promised and I don’t give a single fuck.

I thrust harder, groaning at the sound of her violently gagging, imagining it’s Eve instead. I batter the girl’s throat, taking out all the pent up rage on her the way I wish I could on my stepsister.

“Take. It,” I grit out, my teeth clenched so tightly, my jaw trembles. The feeling of her wet mouth wrapped around my cock is a bliss I didn’t realize I needed.

Fuck yes.

With my eyes closed and my fingers tightly tangled in her hair, I let myself sink deeper into the familiar vision as though it’s a movie instead of a disjointed memory. One that’s been added to with wild conjurings I’ve created over the years.

What does she look like now?

Is she different?

Are her tits still the perfect handfuls I once worshiped with my hands and mouth for one stupid, reckless night? The ones I fantasized about for far too long, even before then?

Is she still golden blonde with wild curls that fall down her graceful back?
