Page 70 of Forever Entwined

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"What is it, Bella? What changed?" I coax.

"It will never be good enough," she admits, still twirling her hair and now refusing to look at me.

"Says who? It looked perfect to me." I am mystified by her answer.

"Well, my parents, for one, they’d just complain that it's sloppy, that I can do better, that I should…." she reels off, clearly flustered.

"Shh, forget them; forget what they say. There's only you and me here, and I think it's perfect. Perfect because it's from you." I say, desperately trying to give her a much-needed boost of confidence.

"You think?" she asks, clearly unsure.

"I know Bella," I confirm. "You don't really talk about them much. Would you like to? I'm here to listen, any time, you know that, right?"

"I really don't want to. I'm tired and don't want them to ruin my night. Can we talk another time please?" She begs.

"We can go inside if you'd like," she suggests, changing the subject. "I need to take my mind off my parents anyway. Let's just go back to sleep." she suggests.



"I've got a better idea," Nate suggests, picking up my sketchpad and placing it on the side table. He then gestured for me to move forward to the end of the bed and sit where my legs were before. Nate climbs in behind me, wraps his hands around my hips, and pulls me back firmly, so I'm sitting between his open legs. "There, now you're exactly where I want you," he purrs in my ear.

I love how sweet, gentle, and tender Nate is with me 90% of the time; it makes me feel safe and loved.

But this territorial side he shows the other 10% of the time, when it's just him and me, makes my body feel completely different, in the very best way.

I used to think I hated men who were possessive and bossy, and I laughed when my friends shared their bad boy celebrity crushes because I thought the men were just grumpy or mean. But there's just something about the way Nate does it that gives me butterflies and sends goosebumps all over my body.

"And why is that?" I coax in my most innocent voice.

"Because now I can do this," he replies, brushing my hair off my shoulder and kissing me from my ear down to my collarbone. Before possessively grabbing my jaw and turning my head so he can kiss me on the mouth, hard. I twist my body slightly, so I can get better access to his mouth and continue kissing him until I hear a high-pitched moan that I realize must have come from me.

"Wow, I could listen to that sound forever," Nate growls in a very low, gravelly tone. Embarrassed, I turn my head away and try to bury it in my hands to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Baby, don't shy away from me. Let me hear that beautiful, breathy sound," he whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around me and letting them rest just at the bottom of my pajama top.

I shuffle myself back slightly, leaning into his arms and resting my own hands on his legs, which are on either side of my body, enveloping me in him. This seems to spur him on even more, as I hear a slight moan leave his mouth directly into my ear, and my body feels like it's suddenly on fire.

"Hmm, yes, rest that beautiful ass against me," he whispers in my ear again before sliding a hand under my top and letting it rest just above my belly button. "Tell me to stop, and I will," Nate moans, lightly biting my ear.

Now that he can no longer see my face, I feel braver and put my hand on top of his and move it up slightly. This seems to be enough of a green light for him because he pulls me back further so that I'm practically sitting on his lap. With his other hand, he gently pulls my hair so that my head rests on his shoulder. "I think—"

"Don't think, baby, just feel. But if you want me to stop, then say so." Nate purrs softly but doesn't do anything else.

I take a deep breath, silencing the annoying voice in my head, the one telling me I'm not ready, and press myself further against him. I can sense how much he's enjoying this because I feel him growing harder and harder against my ass.

"Good, then just relax," Nate soothes as he continues to kiss all the way down my neck. I feel his hands move and make their way to my chest. He stops when he realizes I'm not wearing a bra underneath my t-shirt.

"Fuuuck!" he growls. I try to move, but he presses me against him, his hand pushing against my ribs. "Do you need me to stop?" he asks softly. I just shake my head slowly.

"Then relax and enjoy yourself, baby girl," he purrs as he gently caresses my breast. I feel my nipples tingle against his touch, and I hear his deep, manly growl again.Damn, I love that sound; it's so damn sexy and raw.He starts fondling my breasts and surprises me by squeezing one of my nipples. I wince and moan in shock.

"Yes, let me hear that beautiful sound," Nate demands possessively, before squeezing the other just as hard. I cry out again. "You have no idea how fucking sexy you look right now, Bella."

I look around now, suddenly feeling very aware that we're outside and that someone could be watching this very intimate moment. Nate must sense me tensing up because he whispers, "You're fine. Harper's passed out, Tucker's parents aren't home, and Tucker and Ava's bedroom faces the other direction. It's just you and me, my beautiful Bella."

Hearing that, I relax again and lean against him, resting my head back on his shoulder. Next, I lift my arms up to wrap them around his neck and interlace my fingers behind his head. Nate continues to palm and squeeze my nipples as he kisses and nibbles my neck. I feel his other hand come around and he places it carefully on top of my pajama pants, with his fingers softly pulling at the waistband, slowly loosening them. "Remember Bella, you can tell me to stop anytime, and I will, no questions asked."
