Page 89 of Forever Entwined

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"Listen, this is a one-time offer; I'll leave Gabe, the asshole, at the door and come as Gabriel, the big brother." I say through gritted teeth. Nate doesn't answer but continues to look guarded, so I push past him and sit on his bed.

"Oo-kay," Nate finally answers as he closes the door and comes over to join me.

"So, I'm here if you want to ask any questions or get advice."

Nate looks at me suspiciously, obviously unsure if this is a trick or if I'm being genuine, so I try to flash him a smile. It must be working because he starts to talk. He explains that he and Bella have only ever done something together once.The poor guy hasn't even had a blow job yet. He deserves a medal.But again, he cryptically mentions, while trying not to give anything away, that he needs to be careful and patient with Isabella.

"Listen, Nate, I may be completely out of line, and you may just hit me for asking this, but has Bella been hurt by someone?" The shock, anger, and hatred on his face confirm my suspicions instantly. "It's clear you don't want to think about it, but if it is the case, you have to be careful not to trigger her."

"How would you know?" Nate snaps.

"I just fucking would,'' I snap back in frustration and perhaps a bit of embarrassment.Does he think I wanna be here opening up and talking about this shit with him?! Do I bollocks! But I’m doing it for him, so he needs to shut the fuck up and listen.

I watch Nate's face fall, along with his guard. I don't tell him what happened to me, and he doesn't explain what happened to Isabella, but it does open the bridge for a really deep conversation.I’m beyond uncomfortable, and all I feel while talking is the need to break something or run for the hills.I've spent the last ten years suppressing my feelings and emotions, and this isn't helping,but for my brother's sake, I'm willing to try.



Gabe finally stands to leave but turns when he reaches the door and adds, "You've got to be patient and kind and take everything one step at a time. Let her have full control of the situation and do exactly what she asks."

I'm taken off guard by this whole conversation because, when he first walked in, I assumed he was going to ridicule me for being a virgin or try to turn it into a sleazy exchange. But to my shock, he's actually being genuine and heartfelt. It fills me with pride to know that buried deep, deep inside asshole Gabe is still my amazing big brother Gabriel. He gives me one last hug before making his excuses and leaving the room. I climb into bed, reliving our conversation, before deciding to put on some music, ready to drift off to sleep.

I'm just getting comfy when I decide that I should pack my bag, so I don’t forget anything. As I’m doing it, my mind wonders if I misread the entire situation. Tomorrow could just be an innocent date that requires a change of clothes. Either way, I make sure I pack underwear, clothes, some basketball shorts to sleep in, and a pack of condoms that I stash in a wash bag. I may still be a virgin, but that doesn't mean I'm not prepared. After all, I've been thinking about this moment for months.Plus, I’m an eighteen-year-old man with an internet connection, so I've done my homework to try and be prepared to give her the best night possible.

The next morning, I wake up and jump in the shower. I do a few chores around the house to distract myself, and then change to meet Bella. I receive a message from her asking me to meet her at our spot in the woods. I reply, telling her I will be there in ten minutes. As I walk out the door, Gabe calls my name. I turn around just in time to get hit in the mouth by a flying box of condoms.Ouch, that fucking hurt.

"Just don't make me a fucking uncle." Gabe laughs.



"Idiot checks are all done," Nana informs us, sounding a little out of breath. I look at the clock and realize I've been daydreaming for almost fifteen minutes, and my coffee has already gone cold.

"Everything okay, dear? I can stay behind if you're afraid of being alone," Pops offers kindly.

"No, it's all right. I've got a lot of coursework to catch up on. I was just thinking about that, actually," I lie.Haven't I been in this situation before? Telling white lies to Pops to sneak off and see Nate? Who’d have guessed all those years ago, the blue-eyed stranger I met would soon become my entire world?

"Oh, you're such a good egg," Pops gushes as he stands up, patting me on the head as he walks by.

"Are you ready, George? We have to go!" Nana calls out from the hallway. Pops and I just look at each other and roll our eyes.

He's been sitting here for over half an hour, shoes on, bags packed, and coat hanging over the back of the chair while Nana does her idiot checks: testing every door and window to make sure they are secure, packing and repacking her suitcase, and checking our passports. As if anything could have changed since ten minutes ago, when she last checked. Even so, in her head, HE is the one who's making them late.

"Have fun, you two! I'm going to miss you," I admit, as I run and hug them both one last time. Nana asks me a million questions and makes sure I have everything.She's clearly stalling.Pops rolls his eyes, practically pulling her out of the house. "See you on Monday!" they both shout as they begin backing down the driveway. Standing in the doorway, I wave until the car disappears out of sight.

Now that they're gone, it's time to set my plan into motion.

I quickly jump in the shower, wash my hair, and shave my legs. Then I attempt to send Nate a quick good morning text. But when I open my phone, I see a group message.

Ava:Have your grandparents left yet?

Me:Yep, they just left half an hour ago.

Harper:Do you need help setting the scene? We're all on our way to see the new Magic Mike movie, but we can stop by first.

Riley:Hey, don't you be postponing my time with the absolute sex on legs that is Channing Tatum.
