Page 100 of Tempests of Truth

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“Mother!” I drew back and whacked her lightly, my cheeks heating.

She just laughed again. “So when do we get to meet Nik?”

“Right now, if you want,” I said.

“And his parents?” my father asked gruffly, clearly uncertain about the prospect.

“They’ve invited us all to join them for the evening meal.” I tried not to look as nervous as I felt at the idea.

“A meal with the king and queen?” My mother’s eyes widened, and she glanced nervously at my father.

But despite all our fears, the meeting went better than expected. Nik’s parents treated mine with more warmth than I anticipated, and my parents managed to overcome their awe at my future family’s rank—at least enough to converse with sense.

“Delphine?” Luna bumped my hip with hers, startling my thoughts back to the present.

“Sorry.” I shook myself and looked at Amara. “We shouldn’t be talking about me. Today is your day.”

“You’re the envy of both the Guild and the capital, you know,” Luna said cheerily. “Hayes was already the most eligible unmarried mage and that was before he became Head of Healing.”

“Don’t remind me about his new appointment.” Amara sighed. “It’s the reason we had to have a formal state wedding.”

“Can you really begrudge us all the excitement?” Luna asked. “It’s been a very long time since one of the Triumvirate got married.”

“I heard Hayes is the youngest Triumvirate member in three generations,” I said.

“Not that you’re one to talk about youthful accomplishments.” Luna snorted. “I overheard Augusta boasting about how that betrothed of yours is going to be ready to take the mastery exam by the start of winter.”

I groaned. “Don’t remind me. Nik’s not only graduated, he’s going to be a master before I’m even a proficient.”

“He doesn’t appear to mind,” Luna said with a chuckle.

“It’s not the difference in rank that’s the issue.” Amara was clearly trying not to smile. “Delphine has to graduate before they can be married.”

Luna exploded into laughter. “Now that would definitely chafe Nik, if I know anything about him. I’m surprised he hasn’t smuggled you off in the middle of the night.”

“He would have both me and my betrothed to answer to if he tried anything of the sort,” Amara said with a militant light in her eyes.

“Talking of your betrothed,” I said, ignoring their teasing. “It’s time for you to go and make him your husband.”

Amara’s face softened at the word, a glow radiating from inside her and making her even more beautiful. And the glow only grew brighter when the doors of the throne room opened, and she saw Hayes waiting for her at the end of a long stretch of red carpet.

I followed behind, but my eyes were on the man standing to one side of Hayes. Asking Nik and Evermund to be his two attendants had been a typical Hayes move—combining kindness with political acumen. His wedding had generated intense interest among both the Guild mages and the general populace, and Nik’s inclusion had clearly demonstrated the former prince’s return to favor and power.

Nik looked down the room and caught my eye. His smile grew as he watched me, and I sighed wistfully. It was right that Amara was getting married first, and I couldn’t be happier for her. But spring seemed like a long time away.

The ceremony passed quickly, and all too soon, Hayes and Amara were swept up into a whirl of good wishes as everyone of wealth and power in the kingdom vied to congratulate them. I hung back, taking a moment to admire the white flowers that decorated the rows of chairs and the bright velvet of the carpet that had been used to form the aisle.

Arms came around me from behind. “That carpet will be purple the next time we’re here for a wedding,” Nik’s deep voice said.

I smiled at the vision his words created. Hayes might be a member of the Triumvirate now, but only members of the royal family were permitted to walk down the aisle on a purple carpet.

A flash of the same purple caught my eye, drawing my attention to Anka. She was congratulating Amara, a delighted expression on her face.

She had been working hard for months but was finally starting to talk of retiring from the Royal Mage position. And I had an inkling who might be asked to fill it in her place.

“Do you think Amara will be happy in the capital in the long term?” I asked.

“Hmmm…” I felt the rumble of Nik’s response in his chest. “I think she will be. But not as happy as we will be when we finally get back on the road.”
