Page 28 of Tempests of Truth

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“It was a fortunate day for me, too,” she said softly. “I think I was already in love before I even reached the house.”

The whole table went quiet, a communal shadow falling across their faces as they remembered their missing son, brother, husband, and father.

“How did the Constantines never notice?” Amara asked. “Didn’t the other townsfolk ever say something about their missing neighbors?”

“Of course not,” Costas said in a dark voice. “How could my family get rid of anyone they found inconvenient unless the islanders were mesmerized to accept disappearances oraccidentsamong their neighbors without question? My family’s behavior was so ingrained, that if any of them noticed a missing person for themselves, they probably assumed someone else in the family had dealt with them quietly and never bothered to even ask.”

Nik made a quiet growling noise deep in his throat, his eyes on Costas and his expression thunderous. These were the people attacked during the party, and yet his instinct had still been to try to save them.

Was it any wonder he was upset that I had thought him a mass murderer—however briefly? Isolde had said not even mesmerization could turn her into such a person, and yet I had believed it of Nik without mesmerization even being involved.

“It’s a relief to know that not all the missing children were murdered,” Costas said. “But someone’s going to need to visit the foresters to explain the current situation. From what you’ve described, I’m guessing there’s still some quiet trade going on between the foresters and the town, so they need to know the entire town is about to disappear.”

“They’re what?” Isolde asked blankly.

The forester eyes were all firmly fixed on Costas, showing varying levels of shock.

“Actually, about that,” Amara said slowly. “Perhaps it isn’t necessary after all…” Her eyes were on Isolde’s face as she spoke. “This discovery changes the situation significantly.”


“What is the situation, exactly?” Isolde asked.

In succinct words, Amara summarized Grey’s return to his mother’s home and the dramatic events that had unfolded as a result.

“Grey has returned to the mainland, which means we need to get back to Tartora as soon as possible,” she concluded. “But we couldn’t abandon the population without any healers—especially not when they are now leaderless and ill equipped to take command themselves. So we thought we would need to take everyone back to Tartora with us. But now it turns out their forest is full of young, powerful healers—ones led by a strong, experienced healer. So tell me, Lady Isolde—are you willing to leave the forest and take your rightful place in the manor house again?”

Isolde’s face slowly paled as she stared at Amara. “You want me to lead the entire island?”

“Why not?” Amara’s level tone issued a clear challenge. “I can’t think of anyone with a greater right. You might not have been born a Constantine, but you bear their name which will help the islanders to accept you. You have the power and experience, and you’ve amply demonstrated the necessary compassion. If you lead the way, will the other foresters follow?”

Isolde looked down into her lap, staring at her tightly clasped hands as she considered Amara’s challenge. When she looked back up, her eyes went to Costas.

“The manor isn’t empty,” she said quietly. “One of the true Constantines remains. Whatever my reasons for doing so, I abandoned my young son, and I will not take his home or position unless he willingly opens the doors for me.”

Costas gazed back at her, and I couldn’t read his face. I held my breath until he spoke.

“I don’t know if our relationship can be healed or not. I think only time will tell that. But I won’t disadvantage the whole island for the sake of my pain. I’m not ready to lead on my own, and I can’t keep the people safe without healers. I was planning to leave the manor as soon as the seas clear, so I can’t bar its door now. If you will come, I will support your efforts to protect and lead the town as well as I’m able.”

Tears welled in Isolde’s eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You turned out far better than I could have hoped.”

Costas’s cheeks flushed despite his earlier words about their relationship.

Whatever hurt our parents inflicted on us, part of us still yearned for their approval. An image of my own father appeared in my mind. Would he be proud of the person I was becoming? For the first time since discovering his betrayal, I wanted to find out.

Amara gave a satisfied smile, but almost immediately, her brow creased again.

“That takes care of the longer-term future of the islanders, and I thank you for lifting the responsibility from our shoulders. However, we are still in the middle of an immediate crisis.”

Isolde leaned forward. “The new illness? It’s hit the town?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” I said, still feeling guilty. “And it had spread through the entire town before we discovered it.”

“The entire town?” she whispered, and from the horror on her face it was clear she knew what that meant. “What are you doing here, then, Delphine? They must have need of us…” She leaped to her feet, only to sway at the sudden movement.

“My apprentice is here under my orders,” Amara said sternly. “And she’s here for the same reason you need to be—healers have limits, and you’ll help no one by pushing yourself past exhaustion.”

Isolde collapsed back into the chair, reluctantly nodding her head.
