Page 43 of Tempests of Truth

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And by the time Nik brought us gliding gracefully into the dock—using his power on the wood of the boat and the wood of the dock itself to achieve it—I could see all the details of the slim crevasse that pierced the desert cliff. It felt like years since I had sailed away, and yet at the same time only days. Everything looked just the same, all the tents still in place although they were no longer inhabited. The tall walls of the crevasse must have protected them from the winter storms.

Ember was the first to alight, with me close behind her. I took up a position on the dock, receiving the stream of bags that Luna tossed in my direction. Hayes unloaded the rest of the luggage in a more dignified manner while Nik secured the boat to the dock with firm knots.

No one woke Amara, although I saw Hayes throwing her concerned looks. When we were finally ready to leave the boat behind, he scooped her into his arms and carried her off the deck, still sleeping peacefully.

Luna, her eyes enormous, tugged on my arm, inclining her head toward Hayes’s retreating back with an excited look. I watched them go myself, wondering what, if anything, Hayes’s action meant.

If Amara did decide to change her mind about Hayes, I would be happy for her. But what would it mean for the rest of my apprenticeship?

“Are you all right?” Nik calmly took the many bags from my hands, swinging them over his shoulders like they weighed nothing.

“I’m fine.” I smiled up at him. “And I’m also capable of carrying bags.”

He just gave me a slow smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes or dispel the tension in his frame.

Hayes’s shout of surprise made us all freeze for a second before launching into action. Racing toward him, my thoughts moved even faster than my legs. Was there someone in the crevasse? We should have considered the possibility that Grey might return to reclaim his old camp.

I had almost reached Grey’s house when I saw the source of Hayes’s shock. As I had feared, we weren’t alone.

Two strangers were waiting for us.


“Nik!” A short young woman, all motion and energy, threw herself into Nik’s arms.

The bags went tumbling down as his hands closed around her. I froze, staring at them both as I tried to work out what was happening.

Nik didn’t seem impressed, however, despite enduring the embrace without complaint. And as soon as she lightened her tight hold, he gripped her by both arms and pushed her away from him.

“What are you doing here, Gia?” he asked. “And where have you been for the last year? I didn’t find a trace of you in Tartora.”

Gia? I stared even closer at the woman. This was Princess Morgiana, Nik’s twin sister? She looked different from how I’d expected—shorter and less regal, perhaps. And despite Nik’s gruff greeting, she practically sparkled. They were clearly nothing alike in temperament.

“I’ve been in the nomad lands,” she replied, undaunted by his cold expression. “And then Calista. And then the nomad lands again.” She threw a glance at a tall young man who was standing slightly back, watching her with amusement. “When did we get back, Renley?”

“Didn’t you know about the troubles we’ve been having here?” Nik asked, cutting off any reply the other man might have made. “We could have done with your help, Gia. Don’t you care about your own kingdom at all? Or have you forgotten your people now that you married a Calistan? The people no longer matter to you since you’re not taking the throne?”

I expected her to stiffen and take offense at receiving a bevy of accusations instead of a proper greeting, but instead her eyes widened and a smile grew across her face.

“Who is she?” Gia shook free of his hold only so she could grab his arms in what looked like an iron grip. “Is she here?”

Nik’s eyes flicked toward me for the briefest second, but Gia caught the involuntary gesture. Twisting around, she peered in our direction, but since I was standing next to Luna, her eyes flicked back and forth between us. She looked back at her twin, her smile growing even larger.

“But this is amazing! You have to introduce me to her immediately!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nik said stiffly, all his earlier antagonism completely forgotten.

Gia shook him lightly. “Don’t try that on me. I know you too well. All this talk about caring about our people—even without the throne. And you really seem to mean it too! Plus, I heard you’ve been working with Master Amara and Master Hayes of all people. Actuallycollaboratinginstead of sulking around the kingdom on your own.”

Nik cleared his throat. “I don’t know why that makes you think—”

“Ha! Didn’t you hear me say I know you too well? The only person you ever listened to even a little was me—and I’m well aware that wasn’t because I have any great wisdom. You listened to me because, despite yourself, you couldn’t help loving your own twin. That little bit of softness was the only way I ever got through to you. So if you’ve suddenly startedlistening to other peopleandlearning things, then obviously you’ve found a love that’s softened you much more than I ever did. Something has made you open yourself to new ideas, and I want to know who she is. Immediately!”

Nik sighed loudly, but a smile was creeping across his face. I stared at him, fascinated by this new insight. I had always known he had a twin, but she had been a distant concept. A crown princess who had abdicated her throne. The one Nik could never live up to. I had never imagined someone who treated Nik like this.

“Well it isn’t me,” Luna said with a wicked grin. “Hello, Renley,” she greeted the man standing behind the twins.

He smiled and waved back. “I’m glad to see you back in one piece, Luna. You’ve been keeping Hayes in line, I hope.”
