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“Then do your friends a favor, sir, and research come ons that actually work.” She smiled.

“Honey, I’m as antique as my shop here. Google can’t save me. You interested in renting the empty shop? We could be neighbors.”

Following the direction he pointed, she saw aFor Rentsign in the window of a small, cedar-sided house that had a faded sign above the door. Hershman’s Ice Cream.

“Great location,” another one of the men said.

“Fantastic neighbor,” the first man said. “I’m Cecil. You like antiques?”

“I don’t mind them,” she said.

“I have a sale going on today. Fifty percent off every blue ticketed item. I might even have a pair of boots inside.”

“Are you old goats pestering this poor lady?” A brunette half-jogged across the street, carrying a tall stack of books that teetered precariously in her arms. She looked a bit rattled.

The group of seasoned men laughed. “Nope, just being friendly.”

“Don’t mind them. They’re always a little rambunctious when they haven’t had their naps.” The woman smiled, repositioning the books.

“I heard that,” Cecil muttered.

“I wasn’t whispering,” the woman called back. “Are you looking for Devlin?” she asked Parker.

“I don’t know who Devlin is.” Parker heard the group of men taking bets on where she was from. New York and California were a few of the locations that were thrown out.

“She’s the realtor and she’s out of town for a few days so you might just want to contact the Ryders.”


“They own the shop.” She resituated the books again as if they were getting heavy.

“Don’t you mean they own most of the real estate in town?” one of the elderly men pointed out.

“By the way, I’m Serenity Bowers. I run the local library. I’d shake your hand but I’m afraid one wrong move will send these books careening overboard.”

“I’m Parker Manley. A friend of the Bonners.” She thought it best not to reveal why she was in town, at least not yet although most of the town probably knew the financial condition of Bonnie’s Bluebonnets considering a place this size never had secrets.

“Well, any friend of the Bonner family is a friend of mine. Are you looking for something to rent?”

“Not really.” But Parker couldn’t help but think of all the possibilities for the quaint shop in a prime location. Bonnie’s Bluebonnets could use a convenient move which could increase business by up to twenty-five percent. She reminded herself that she wasn’t there to market the business, but to convince Bonnie to sell.

“Well, nice to meet you, Parker. I hope you enjoy your stay here.” She winked.

“Thank you. Just in case I change my mind about the shop space, any specific Ryder I should contact?”

“Which ever one you run into first.” Her smile blossomed.

“And how will I know I’ve run into one?”

“Oh, trust me, you’ll know. They’re not only drop dead gorgeous but charming to boot. Whiskey Ryder owns Crew and Brew Bar. Or you can always stop at the library and I’ll help connect you. See you around.” She hurried up the sidewalk.

“So, where are you from?” one of the men asked.

“Chicago,” Parker said and headed for the Rustic Glam shop to buy herself some boots.

“Pay up, fellows. I nailed that one,” one of the men said.

Chapter Seven
