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“Let me go get the money. You can leave then.” The tension was building. She could feel it. Things were climbing to a fever pitch.

Jamie blinked. “I was a good kid. O and Camp will never forgive me.”

“People can find forgiveness for things we think is impossible to forgive. You can find help.”

His cold laughter seemed to penetrate to the center of her bones. “Help? I think it’s too late for that.”

“It’s never too late.”

Then she saw a shadow as Raven appeared in the doorway, his gun drawn and a determined expression on his face.

“Jamie, drop the knife.”

The kid let out a sob and rushed forward, grabbing Parker around the shoulders. The knife was at her throat. She could see that Raven didn’t want to shoot the kid. She didn’t want him too either. There had to be a peaceful resolution.

“Go away!” Jamie demanded.

“You know I won’t, and can’t, do that, son.” Raven appeared very calm.

“I hate all of you.” Parker felt Jamie trembling as he pressed the knife deeper, the tip slicing her skin superficially. “Go or I’ll hurt her.”

“It’s not too late,” she told him. “You don’t want to do this.”

Then they heard a squeak as the back door opened. Heavy footsteps were heard behind them. Jamie frantically looked over his shoulder, pulling Parker along with him to the corner of the greenhouse.

“Is everyone okay?”

Parker managed to catch a glimpse of Bend. He too had his gun drawn.

She didn’t move an inch; afraid the tip of the knife might cut her deeper. “I’m okay. We’re okay, aren’t we, Jamie?”

“What are you doing, kid?” Raven asked.

“You can probably guess,” he grunted.

“Casp is in custody. We know that he sold you the bomb that hurt Dean. You’re a kid and the court will take that into consideration,” Bend said.

“I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt, especially your brother.” Jamie’s voice weakened and shook.

“We know that. Lower the knife,” Raven encouraged. “Let’s call an end to this before someone does get hurt.”

Parker searched for a way out. He had too tight of a hold on her for her to escape.

“I won’t let you hurt her.” Raven narrowed his gaze.

She could hear Jamie sniffling.

“I don’t want to go to prison,” he whimpered.

“That’s not my choice, but like I said, you’re young. The judge will consider that. Think of Ophelia and Camp. They love you and don’t want anything bad to happen. In fact, they’re both out looking for you as we speak.”

At the mention of his family, Parker felt him relax some.

“I didn’t mean to drag them into this.” He cried out.

“I know, but they are. I also can assure you that they’re on your side.” Raven seemed to have moved closer without Parker seeing him move.

The knife shifted away from her neck and she knew this might be her only chance. She ducked away from his arm. He tried grabbing her and his fingers caught in her hair. She had enough space between them that she could continue to move, but felt the roots of her hair being pulled and split as she hit the dirt floor on her knees.
